Chapter 13: Charlie

Start from the beginning

"Magnus? Are you alright?"

"Alec...the baby's coming...Get Buddy..."

"What? Magnus, how-Ah!" Alec pulled his hand away, as he felt the shock run through it. He looked, eyes wide, as the blue sparks travelled over Magnus' body. Magnus gasped and clutched his stomach. "Buddy! Elfred!" After a pause Buddy and Elfred burst in. The other warlock saw Magnus and ran over to him. Elfred too realized what was going on and grabbed Alec to pull him out of the way as Buddy led the hunched over Magnus out of the room. "Elfred! Let go of me!"

"Shhh, Alexander, be calm!" Elfred held the younger man tightly to him and waited for the Shadowhunter to stop struggling. When he did he looked down into the boy's furious expression. "You have to understand, Alexander, Buddy has to use some dangerous spells for this to work. You can't be near when he is doing them."

"But Magnus-"

"Will be fine. You just need to wait. I had to do the same when Magnus was helping Buddy through this, and I know it's hard." Alec looked like wanted to say something else but just sighed and nodded. Elfred smiled kindly at him and led him out of the kitchen.

They sat on the other side of the closed door to Elfred and Buddy's bedroom for over an hour, waiting. He silence between them was broken only by the sounds from inside the room. Finally, when Alec's patience was wearing thin, he heard the crying of a child. Alec gasped and stood quickly. Elfred grinned and patted him on the back. Alec rapped his knuckles on the door and it swung open. Alec hesitantly entered.

Magnus was laying in the bed, seeming to be asleep. Alec ran to his side and gently swept the strands of hair off of his boyfriend's face.

"Alec." Alec turned and came face to face with Buddy who was holding a bundle of blankets that held the crying infant. Alec slowly pulled the blankets away and gazed at his child. The little baby boy was squirming and crying, and was so small and fragile-looking that Alec was afraid to hold him. Regardless of his fears, Alec took the small bundle and stared down at the baby.

He had dark wisps of hair on his head, and slightly almond-shaped eyes like Magnus' which were closed tightly. Alec smiled down at the beautiful baby, but looked up when he heard his boyfriend's voice.

"Is...Is he okay?" Magnus asked nervously. Alec smiled and nodded.

"He is." Buddy hurried to Magnus's side and helped prop him up against the blankets. Alec noticed with concern when Magnus winced. Buddy finished making him comfortable and left the room to allow them to be alone. Alec gently placed the baby in Magnus' arms and climbed onto the bed beside him. The warlock looked down at their child in amazement.

"He...He's perfect..." Magnus gasped, and Alec saw the tears building in his lover's eyes. Alec cuddled close to his boyfriend and smiled up at him.

"Just like you." Alec said and kissed him. They broke apart and shared a moment of mutual happiness before looking back at their child. "What is his name going to be?" Alec asked, "Something as extravagant as the magnificent Magnus Bane?" Magnus smiled and shook his head, still looking at the baby, who had quieted down in his arms.

"Charlie. I wish for his name to be Charlie, if that is alright with you, love."

"Charlie...I love it...But why?"

"When the Seelie Queen was going on about him being this weapon and this big important person...I didn't want that, obviously, and I don't want him to feel like he's different and not normal. Charlie is just a simple, adorable name, perfect for him." Alec smiled and nodded in agreement. After a long moment of just laying there and talking about Charlie's full name, Alec finally built up the courage to ask what he had been dying to ever since he entered the room.

"Magnus, I know this is probably not the right time to ask this, but...will you marry me?" Magnus locked his feline eyes with Alec's bright blue ones.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly. Alec only nodded. "I don't want you to feel obligated to just because of Charlie." Alec scoffed.

"The only reason I waited until now was because I didn't want you to think that I was only asking because you were pregnant...and now you think I feel obligated to ask. I love you, Magnus. I want to spend my life with immortal life."

Magnus looked shocked and Alec saw a tear slip from his eye. Before he could ask what the matter was, he felt the warlock's lips crash against his own. They pulled apart slightly and Magnus rested his forehead against Alec's.

"Yes, Alec, I want that more than anything and I would be happy to marry you...Are you sure you want immortality? I'm not going to lie, sometimes it sucks, a lot."

"Not as long as I have you." Alec said.

"Then I wish that Alec becomes an immortal."

Alec looked down at himself, feeling a sudden rush of strength. Alec grinned over at Magnus and Magnus smiled back before turning his attention on the now silent infant. Magnus shifted a bit to prop himself up further, and he gave a small gasp of pain as he did so.

"Are you alright?" Alec asked, immediately concerned.

"I'll be fine. I'm just a little sore from everything that's happened today. My stomach hurts like a bitch, too." Magnus confessed, making a face.

"And that is why you should be resting." Buddy said, entering the room with a wide smile. "Did you guys decide on a name yet?"

"Charlie. Charlie Elfred Maxwell Lightwood." Magnus said with a smile.

"He took the Lightwood name then." Buddy noted.

"Yes, it is soon to be both our names." Magnus said.

"You...You're getting married?" Buddy asked, pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, and Alec's officially Immortal."

"Wow, I've missed a lot. Feels like I've been gone ages." Buddy said with a laugh. "Now you best be getting to sleep." Buddy said, "I know what your body will feel like in the morning, and I wouldn't want you to be cranky as well." Magnus nodded, understanding his reasons, and handed Charlie over to Alec.

"Good night, love." Magnus whispered and kissed Charlie lightly on his pudgy little cheek before pecking Alec on the lips also.

"Come, Alec. Your little one must be hungry. That means I get to teach you the first lesson of parenting." Buddy said, and led Alec out of the room.

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