Chapter 3:No Matter What

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"I'm confused."

Magnus and Alec broke apart from their kiss and looked to Jace, who was standing a few feet from them and staring. "About what?" Alec asked.

"You spent the entire night crying because of your boyfriend and then said boyfriend comes over and then he is crying, and now you're kissing. What happed in the past ten minutes that I do not know about to have this sudden change?" Jace was looking completely confused about what kind of soap opera he was living in.

Alec looked straight into Magnus's eyes as he replied. "I realized that I love matter what."

"So...He is cheating on you?" Alec sighed and turned back to his brother.

"No, he isn't. Look Jace, I am not entirely sure of everything that is going on myself so I'd rather not try to explain." He turned to his boyfriend, "We still have to talk about this, Magnus. Could we go to your place?"

"Sure, darling." They headed out of the institute without another word to Jace. They walked in silence until they came to Magnus's flat and were comfortably seated on the leather sofa in his living room.

"So. How do you know you are...p-pregnant?" Alec asked.

"I've been having morning sickness, I also just, I'm tired all the time, and I get dizzy at random times." Magnus listed off all of his symptoms that he felt over the past week.

"But you can't be very far along, A month at the most, right?" Alec asked, glancing down at Magnus's stomach.

"I asked Buddy why I was feeling the symptoms at such an early stage, and he said that a Demonic child takes a shorter time to develop than a human one. He said that the pregnancy may only last for six months, for that is how long his lasted." Alec nodded slowly, still trying to process what was happening. It was like a weird dream that he was living in. Not a nightmare exactly, but more like a shocking and stressful dream that wouldn't let him wake up.

Magnus studied his boyfriend as he thought and he was scared when he saw a small tear slip from the corner of his eye. He hesitantly pulled Alec into an embrace and the younger man started to cry silently into his shoulder. "I...I'm s-sorry, Magnus...This can't be real...I don't understand any of this is happening..."

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to overwhelm you with this. I wish I could say that it wasn't real."

Alec took a deep breath and sat up, studying Magnus's face. "Don't say that."


"Don't say that you wish it wasn't real."

"But Alec, we're not ready for this." Magnus was beyond confused as to why Alec was arguing about this.

"But...but you're pregnant. You're carrying a child. That means that this isn't about us anymore, it's about this baby." Alec rested his hand gently on Magnus's flat stomach and gave Magnus a shaky smile. :And even if it takes me a while to get use to it, I wouldn't wish it wasn't real because that is like wishing that our child never lives."

"Wow Alec, and to think that I was the mature one in this relationship. I haven't...I haven't actually thought about it that way. So Alec...That means you want to keep it, right?" Magnus looked up at him, trying to keep the pleading expression off of his face.

"Of course Magnus! Don't you?" Alec looked worried for a moment.

"I do but I...I don't know if keeping It would be best for know? I mean being raised by a nineteen-year-old Shadowhunter and a flamboyant eight hundred-year-old Warlock who both have no clue about anything when it comes to kids...I don't know if we want to put it through that..." Magnus confessed.

"Magnus, I'm sure you will make a great, mother, and I will try my best as well and that is all we can do. Besides, we will have my family and our friends to help us." Magnus nodded and smiled, pulling Alec into a quick hug.

"Thank you, Alec. I don't know what I would do without you."

To be continued....

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