Chapter 4:Visiting

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The next day Magnus awoke and almost fell out of bed in the rush to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach. He was joined by Alec a moment later and he let the younger man clean him up a bit before he was dragged out and to the kitchen. He allowed Alec to cook since he didn't have the energy to magic some already cooked breakfast for them.

Alec placed a plate of pancakes in front of him and took the seat next to him. "So, what do you want to do today? Isabelle texted me and I have the day off."

"How about we go and visit Buddy and Elfred? I know they are dying to meet you, and I think it would be good for you and Elfred to talk." Magnus took a bite of his pancake and turned to his boyfriend.

"Yeah, if you want to. Hey, speaking of Buddy, you said that he was pregnant, but you never mentioned the baby. Is it...okay?" Magnus nodded and finished chewing before answering.

"Yeah, she's adorable. Her name is Christie. She inherited Buddy's warlock signature—wolf ears—and his powers, too." Magnus's smile dimmed slightly at the mention of the warlock signature.

When he was talking to Buddy, he had only mentioned that he didn't want their child to inherit his signature, but it was actually his greatest fear. He had been born with the eyes of a demon. He had been feared by most and hated by all. Sure, now people were easier to persuade into believing that they were just contact lenses, but for a child? He wasn't sure that explanation would work.

He didn't mention anything to Alec, though, and they cleaned up and got ready in comfortable silence.

"Ready? He asked his lover, and the Shadowhunter nodded. Magnus whipped up a simple version of a portal and in no time they were standing on the doorstep to a small house. Magnus knocked twice and waited, after a moment he heard footsteps on the other side and the door swung open, revealing a fairly tall man slightly older that Alec with spiky scarlet hair and bright blue eyes.

"Magnus Bane." He greeted the warlock, and then turned to Alec, "You must be Alexander, no?"

"I am." Alec said shyly under the intense gaze of the man.

He held out his hand and introduced himself as Elfred. After they shook hands, he welcomed them inside and the first thing they noticed was that a baby was crying down the hall.

"Sorry about the racket, Christie is having one of her days, so I suggest that we avoid going in her room." Elfred led them into the living room to their left and they took a seat on the beige sofas. "So what brings you here?" Elfred asked, taking a seat opposite them.

"Well," Magnus began, "As you probably know from Buddy, we are expecting a child and are a bit lost, so we thought we would stop by and talk to you guys about it." Magnus said, intertwining his hand with Alec's on his knee.

At that moment Buddy walked in and smiled at his friend. "And we will be glad to help." He said, hearing why Magnus had come. "So, you must be Alec?" He asked, and shook hands with the Shadowhunter. Buddy took a seat beside Elfred and took his hand. Alec noticed for the first time the bandage wrapped around it.

"What happened to your hand?" Alec asked.

Elfred looked down at his bandaged hand. "Christie is too young to know how to control her powers, so when she throws a fit she sometimes burns me." Alec looked shocked and Elfred decided that now would be a good time to take Alec aside for a conversation. He excused them both and led the Shadowhunter into the baby nursery at the end of the hall. "Alexander, I think I need to explain something to you."

Elfred stood beside the crib and motioned for Alec to join him. Alec peeked in and saw Christie. He gasped. She was adorable, just as Magnus had said. She had short, wispy scarlet hair, and little gray wolf ears, she was extremely tiny for a six-month-old baby, and her tiny peaceful face as she slept was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Elfred reached in and put the tip of his finger in her little palm. She grabbed onto the digit and Alec was amazed by how tiny her hands were. He looked up at Elfred and saw him smiling fondly at his daughter. Elfred slowly pulled his finger away and then turned to Alec.

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