Chapter 2:Misunderstanding

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The next day Magnus awoke to an empty apartment and a sick stomach. He took the potion and prepared some breakfast for himself. When he sat down on his sofa he grabbed his cell and saw that he had five missed texts. One was from Alec, which he didn't open, and the next four were from Isabelle.

6:13pm Tue. 14

Isabelle: Is Alec wth u?

6:36pm Tue. 14

Isabelle: Magnus u need 2 tell me if he is wth u. Mom is freaking out.

6:58pm Tue. 14

Isabelle: Never mind.

7:07am Wed. 15

Isabelle: We need to talk. Girl to girl. Meet me in the park in ten.

The last one was received only a few minutes ago, and Magnus decided that he should go. He got dressed and headed out of his flat and towards the park. When he got there an impatient-looking Isabelle rose from a bench to greet him. Magnus thought of Isabelle as a good friend, so he was surprised when she slapped him across the face.

"What the Hell!" Magnus exclaimed as he clutched his stinging cheek.

"Exactly what I was about to say!" Isabelle shouted back.

"What is going on Isabelle?" Magnus asked calmly.

"Oh, the usual. A near-suicidal brother who is intending to spend the rest of his life locked in his bedroom crying over a boyfriend who doesn't deserve him." Isabelle glared at him expectantly.

"What? Why is Alec upset?"

"He went over to your place yesterday. He saw some things that he wishes he never saw." Isabelle's expression did not change. Magnus waited for her to continue. "How long did you think you could keep your little secret? I thought Alec was lucky to find someone like you, I thought that you deserved each other, but I was wrong. Alec deserves so much more than you can offer him."

"He knows?" Magnus sat down on the bench and put his head in his hands. Alec knew. Alec knew and hated him for it. He hadn't even had the chance to tell him himself.

"You could have hidden it better. You ignore him for days and then not expect him to come and find you doing that behind his back? That's low Magnus." Magnus looked up at her, momentarily confused.

"What do you mean doing 'that' behind his back

"What do you think? Maybe snuggling with that warlock in your bed?" Magnus gasped and stood.

"He thinks I'm cheating on him?" Magnus asked.

Isabelle backed up slightly, concerned as to why Magnus seemed so happy. "Yeah...that is what we were just talking about...right?"

"Where is he Isabelle?" Magnus grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"At home, unless he has decided to go somewhere."

"Thank you!" Magnus took off at a run for the institute. If Alec thought that Magnus was cheating on him then he didn't know that he was pregnant which meant that he had to tell him before he did something stupid.

Magnus arrived at the doors to the institute out of breath and still without a plan of how he'd break the news to Alec. He walked up to the doors and knocked. After a moment a tired looking Jace answered.

"Hello Bane."

"I need to speak to Alec." Magnus said, brushing past the blonde shadowhunter. Magnus was stopped when Jace grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket.

"I think you have done enough." Magnus glared at him, and was surprised when Jace's face was serious and void of a cocky grin or superior expression.

"Let me go and keep your nose out of things that don't involve you." He snarled and pulled away from the younger man.

"Magnus, if you hurt him any more than you already have I will personally-"

"If I hurt him you won't have to worry about me ever again." When Magnus received no reply he strode down the hall and arrived at Alec's door. He hesitated before knocking lightly.

"Go away, damn it! I don't want to talk!" Magnus hesitated again before resting his hand against the door.

"It's me." All was silent for a moment before Magnus heard movement on the other side of the door.

"Magnus?" Alec's voice sounded much closer like he was right on the other side of the door. "Magnus...I don't want to talk to you."

"Alec, we have to talk. Isabelle told me that you came over yesterday and saw me with Buddy."

"Buddy? That's his name? You guys seem r-really close..." Magnus could hear him choking up.

"Alec you don't understand, darling. Buddy is just a good friend."

"Oh yeah? It looked like you were more than just 'good friends'." Alec sobbed.

"He's married. And he would never do anything to hurt his husband." There was a pause while Alec tried to process a reply.

"Then why was he in our...your bed?" Alec asked quietly.

"Let me in and I will tell you." Magnus compromised, and the door creaked open.

Magnus slipped into the bedroom and stood facing Alec. His boyfriend looked atrocious. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, his hair was messed and sticking up all over, and he was wearing nothing but a pair of old sweats.

"Well, tell me why." Alec demanded, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

"A-a year ago Buddy got pregnant, and I helped him-" Magnus began.

"But he is a man, right? Men can't get pregnant, Magnus. I'm not that stupid." Magnus sighed and sat down on top of the desk in his room.

"That's what I thought. It had never happened before, at least in my 800 years. It was a miracle, really. Apparently Buddy was so in love that he couldn't control himself or his powers when it came to his lover, Elfred. His powers somehow made it possible that their love could create something...someone."

"So...You helped him out. But what does that have to do with why he was in your bed?" Alec took a seat on his bed and looked at Magnus.

"I...I called him over because he o-owes me one and I n-needed his help." Magnus started fidgeting and avoiding Alec's gaze.

"Why did you need his help?" Alec asked.

"Because...I'm pregnant." Magnus bit his lip and kept his gaze away from Alec. After a few minutes of painful silence, Magnus could feel the sting of tears in his eyes and he stood. "I have to go." He said, keeping his eyes on the floor. When he received to reply he hurried out of the room and down the hall.

He swept past Jace and Isabelle, not caring if they saw his tear-streaked face. He was almost out the door when he was shoved against the wall and pinned there by strong arms. He looked up into the bright blue eyes of his lover. He tried to read his expression but he couldn't quite tell if Alec was angry of just confused.

He was about to ask what he wanted when Alec pressed their lips together lightly.


To be continued....

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