Chapter 1:Comfort

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Alec was worried. Magnus and he had been going out for a little over a year, and Alec had no doubt that their relationship was still strong, so why was Magnus avoiding him? It had been going on for nearly a week. Alec would call, and Magnus would be with a client. Alec would go over to his flat, and no one would be there. Alec would text him, and he never answered. If Alec hadn't actually talked to Magnus on the phone, he would have thought that Magnus had gone missing.

Alec left the institute early in the morning, when he knew that Magnus refused to accept clients. He quietly ran up the stairs to the flat and let himself in. He heard sobbing noises and was immediately panicked. He hurried to Magnus's bedroom where it was coming from, and peaked into the room. Magnus was curled up in a ball on his bed, crying. Alec would have gone to comfort him, if there wasn't another man in the bed! Alec eyed the way the man held Magnus to his chest, and rubbed circles on his back, the way he kissed the top of Magnus's head and whispered things to him. Alec felt the stinging of tears in his eyes, and he whirled around and sprinted out the door, down the stairs, and then out in the cool air.

He ran until he couldn't run anymore, and when he stopped, he had no idea where he was. He made his way to the nearby park, and sat down on the bench. He started to cry, letting the tears flow freely, and the sounds of despair escape his throat. The only thoughts he processed were 'Magnus is cheating on me' and 'why the hell did I ever trust him?'

When Alec stopped crying, he finally allowed his brain to register another thought. 'Where the hell am I, and how the hell do I get home?' He found that he didn't really care enough to try and get home. He looked at his watch, and saw that it was already noon. He shrugged and lay down on the bench. He sat there, he cried, he talked to himself, he got angry, and eventually he fell asleep.

Magnus's life sucked. He spent his 800 years in fear and pain, and now the only good thing in his life was in danger. He loved Alec more than anything and now his freak powers were screwing up that love. The only one who really understood was Buddy. He was a 400 year old warlock and a really good friend. He had been in Magnus's situation and had gone to Magnus for help, and now he was repaying the favor.

Magnus was pregnant. Sure, it was impossible on many levels, but he was. Apparently his powers had a mind of their own and he had no control when it came to his love for Alec.

Luckily it wasn't the first time that it had happened. Buddy was married to a fae named Elfred, and a year ago Buddy had fallen pregnant. The difference was that Buddy had always wanted a child, and Elfred was more than happy to live in exile from his race and support him. Magnus had discovered that he was pregnant when the morning sickness hit as well as other obvious symptoms. He had called Buddy after a week of getting over the shock, and Buddy had come over and cleaned him up.

"Magnus, this isn't a curse, it's a blessing. You have no idea how many people wish for a miracle like this." Buddy whispered into Magnus's hair as he held his dearest friend as he cried.

"But I didn't wish for it! And Alec doesn't want it!" Magnus sobbed and pulled away from his friend, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I have to leave. I can't do this to Alec. He's only nineteen, I can't hold him down with this."

"Magnus, you have to tell him. Maybe he does want this. You said you had never discussed children before."

"That's because he is a child! He isn't ready, and neither am I." He admitted.

"Elfred was only twenty, and yet he was ready, maybe it is the same with Alec." Buddy reasoned.

"But Elfred is immortal." Silence overtook the room only to be broken when Buddy moved closer to Magnus and the bed creaked.

"That's what this is about? The fact that Alec is mortal?" He whispered.

"I...I love him, Buddy. I love him and I can't lose him. If we have this child then it will outlive him, and so will I."

Buddy sat thoughtfully for a moment before standing and kneeling in front of Magnus. "I have to be going soon, but not before I am sure that you are going to be alright." He pulled Magnus up and led him into the kitchen. "Now, how far along are you?"

"I suppose about a month..." Magnus looked down and himself and sighed. "Why am I already having morning sickness?"

"I started having it about a month in as well, and I suppose it is because it takes a shorter time for a demonic child to develop. Mine only lasted for six months and I hope you have the some fortune. Now as for the potions you should take, I suggest all of the ones that you had prepared for me minus the one that helped me sleep because I know that it has some Demon venom in it and if you are carrying a Nephilim child then that could be dangerous."

Buddy started preparing some potions and Magnus sat down and watched him. "You don't think that that will cause any problems, do you?"

"What will?" Buddy asked as he started mixing the liquids into a glass phial.

"The fact that this child will be half demon half angel." Buddy thought about it and then turned to Magnus.

"It will not necessarily be half demon half angel; it depends on who it takes after more. Christie for example has my signature and my powers, but only looks slightly fae-like." Magnus nodded. He had seen their child a few times and the baby definitely took after Buddy with her ears of a wolf, and her green energy that sometimes displayed itself when she was upset.

"Well then I pray it takes after Alec. I wouldn't wish my signature on anyone; it has gotten me almost killed in belief that I am a demon so many times that I have lost count." Magnus mused.

Buddy nodded in understanding, and passed Magnus the phial of liquid. "Here, take some before you go to bed and some when you wake up." He finished giving his instructions, and then jumped as his phone vibrated. He opened it and read what was on the screen. "I have to go Magnus. Christie is having a fit and Elfred can't get close to her when she uses her powers." Magnus nodded and looked down at his nails.

Buddy was almost at the door when he stopped and turned back to Magnus. "Magnus, even if you aren't, I am happy for you. And please do yourself a favor and tell Alec. I'm sure that if this boy loves you as much as you love him he won't leave you." With that said Buddy turned and left.

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