Chapter 7: Crazy Aunt

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"Magnus is pregnant." There, he had told them.

He and Magnus were sitting across from his parents in the living room where they had told Jace, Isabelle and Clary a month earlier. Alec was even more nervous than he had been then, if that was possible, and that could be due to the fact that he knew that his very opinionated, slightly homophobic aunt was listening in on their conversation from the hall.

"I don't find that very amusing, Alec." Maryse scolded, looking confused and slightly angry.

"Nor should you; it's the truth." Magnus spoke up from beside Alec as he placed a hand on his swollen stomach through his baggy clothes that concealed it.

"Alec, why are you making up something like this? If this is about-"

"I'm not making it up." Alec interrupted, "Magnus' powers made it possible. It happened to a friend of ours as well."

"And is it yours?" Everyone turned to see Sheryl Lightwood enter the room.

"What is?" Alec sighed, turning to his aunt.

"This baby that I don't even believe exists."

"O-of course it is!" Stuttered Alec, offended and surprised.

"You never know, he is a Downworlder." She spat, glaring at Magnus who glared back. Alec stood, outraged at his aunt, but Magnus pulled him back down, not wanting Alec to start a fight.

"Sheryl!" Maryse exclaimed, shocked by her sister-in-law's bold racist comment.

"Oh, come on Maryse! You can't honestly believe that this warlock is pregnant? And even if he is, that just shows how much of a freak he really is. You know just as well as I that this is all some made-up story, possibly to-"

"That's enough!" Robert's deep voice boomed around the room, making everyone look to him. "I don't understand what's going on, and I don't know whether what they're saying is true, but I do know that I trust my son. Magnus is also a perfectly trustworthy man, as he has proven to us and the Clave many times and I will not make a judgment on him because he is a warlock, or because he prefers men to women. And I know that that is what this is all about." Magnus smiled thankfully at Robert and a small smile crept onto Alec's face as well towards his father, although he was still radiating rage toward his aunt.

"We are talking about a man being pregnant!" she shrieked, "This isn't just some little thing you can rule my argument out of as blind homophobia! He is obviously up to something, and it could involve the well-being of your son." Alec growled, looking like he wanted to slap some sense into her, but holding back.

"Sheryl, I am going to ask this as politely as I can. Can you please step out of the room and let us have a civilized conversation about this instead of yelling and pointing fingers like an immature child." Magnus said calmly.

The angry woman was at a loss for words for a moment, before she gritted her teeth and glared at Magnus. "How dare you! You have no right to tell me what to do in my house, you filthy demon!" She yelled, stepping forward until she was leaning right over the warlock. Alec stood violently and faced his aunt, glaring.

"Don't you dare speak to my boyfriend like that. He is welcome here as much as you are, even more, because this is not your house. I advise that you take his advice and get out. Now." She stood, taken aback by the fact that her nephew would speak to her in such a way.

"I will h-" She began.

"Sheryl! Do as he says!" Robert interrupted. She turned to her brother, surprised. She hesitated one more time before storming out of the room. Everyone gave a collective sigh of relief at her departure.

Alec sat back down awkwardly, avoiding the eyes of everyone else. The silence stretched for a long while, until Isabelle broke it, having just entered the room.

"So I take it from the bit of the conversation that I just heard that you told them?" She asked Alec and Magnus. Magnus nodded, eyes darting to Maryse and Robert to see if they would have anything to say.

"So, you believe them?" Maryse asked her daughter.

"Of course! It's the truth. I mean, have you seen his stomach?" Isabelle asked, making Magnus very self-conscious for probably the first time in his life.

"I-I just don't isn't possible." Maryse said.

"I didn't think so either, but this isn't the first time that it has happened. Magnus's friend Buddy got pregnant as well." Alec said calmly, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. "It has something to do with his powers making it possible for the two of us to create a life because of our bond."

"I...I think I may have to speak with this...Buddy you are talking about...How can something like this happen without the Clave knowing about it?" Robert asked.

"His husband, the father, is a fae. He didn't want his people knowing about it for fear that they would try and use their child, so they kept it a secret. I think I am one of the only people who he told." Magnus explained.

"So their baby lived? And it is...normal?" Maryse asked.

"She is alive, and she is healthy. I suppose that she is as normal as a half-warlock half-fae child can be." Magnus said. Maryse sat in silence for a moment, before smiling a small smile.

"I...I'm going to be a grandmother then?" She asked, turning to her husband.

"Yes. If everything works out fine, then you will." Alec said, starting to hope that they were accepting it.

"How far along are you?" Maryse asked, starting to lose a bit of the doubt that she had.

"I am three months, but we think that it will only last three more months like Buddy's, since demonic children take less time to develop."

"Wow, three more months...Are you guys keeping it?"

"Yes." They said in sync.

"W-well then I suppose that I-I'm happy for you." Maryse said, looking at her husband for his opinion.

"As am I...I just hope that you both are ready, being so young." Robert confessed.

Magnus scoffed. "I am 800 years old, Robert; I think I can handle it. And as for Alec, I would say that he'll be fine, too." Magnus said, smiling at the Lightwoods.

"Well, congratulations then!" Maryse exclaimed, getting up to hug her son and Magnus. Robert followed and shook hands with both boys. "We should celebrate then! How about you two stay for supper, and we can chat a bit more." Alec nodded, but Magnus looked at his watch and gasped.

"I hate to refuse free food and some socializing, but I have a client arriving in ten minutes at my place, so I will have to decline the offer." Magnus explained, getting up and smoothing down his outfit.

"Do you want me to come too?" Alec asked.

"I'm sure I can manage on my own. I'll just whip something up for myself for supper." Magnus said.

"No, no, I'll come along. I don't want you using any more magic than you have to, and I don't want any more food incidents either." Magnus laughed at their inside joke. He had tried to magic some foor for them but instead of appearing on the table it landed on top of them causing them to have to spent a long time cleaning up. "Sorry Mom, Dad, but we'll do that another time. How about tomorrow?"

"Sure, that's fine with us." Maryse said, leading the boys out.

Little did Maryse know that she wouldn't be seeing either of them for quite some time...

To be continued...

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