11/28/17- Would You Rather?- Part 2

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Would you rather:

Be forced to entertain Bill Cipher for eternity?


Be forced to baby sit the chibi versions of the everyone in Gravity Falls?

Me: "Bill Cipher. After all, I can get my OCs up in here!"
Nicole: "Give me some grapes!"

Would you rather:

Bill Cipher hack your social media accounts?


Have Old Man McGucket read you bedtime stories?

Me: "Old Man McGucket. After all, what could go possibly wrong?"
Nicole: "Let he read the Bible one too many times."

Would you rather:

Be related to Bill Cipher?


Be the offspring of Bipper?

Me: "Bill Cipher. Because I don't know who Bipper have sex with!"
Nicole: *shudders*

Would you rather:

Have every dorito/triangle you come across be Bill Cipher in disguise?


Have all your kitchen unstiels wasted by Bipper?

Me: "Pass?"
Nicole: "Kill it! Kill it fire!"

Would you rather:

Be forced to kill under Bill's orders?


Have Bill's screaming head as a pet which you cannot get rid of?

Me: "Screaming head."
Nicole: "At least you ain't no backstabber! I'll stop the puns."

Would you rather:

You becoming your Gravity Falls character according to your zodiac sign?


Becoming a member of the Mystery Shack?

Me: "Zodiac sign. I'm Waddles. Oink oink!"
Nicole: "Rest in pieces!"

Would you rather:

Be under Bill's influence?


Be his lover forever?

Me: "Pass?"
Nicole: "Bill, you just got friend zoned!"

Would you rather:

Be homicidal because of Bill?


Have a mental illness because of Bill?

Me: "Little therapy can help? Mental illness it is!"
Nicole: "Watch out people!"

Would you rather:

Watch romance movies with Mabel


Watch horror movies with Dipper or Bipper?

Me: "Get the barf buckets cause we're going in for a ride! Horror movies it is!"
Nicole: "Twilight an I right?"

Would you rather:

Be immortal but you have no powers?


Have powers but can die?

Me: "Immortal!"
Nicole: "Eh."

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