Evelina scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Don't tell me what to do." She mumbled. Pan just ignored her.

"And if you need anything, ask Bash or Felix."

Evelina laid flat on the bed and turned her back to Peter Pan.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to deal with some issues on the other side of the island. I'll be back by nightfall." He said and looked at Evelina, who still wouldn't turn towards him. He smiled before rolling Evelina towards him. Before she could even react, he placed a long kiss on her lips.


"Bye, I guess." Evelina mumbled, for she wasn't too keen on the idea of him leaving her for the entire day. Not when she was sick. She watched as Pan left.

And she was all alone.

Evelina looked around the tent. It was huge, but it didn't look like that from the outside. She liked all the little trinkets Pan had around his tent. Her favorite was a magical tiny globe of The Land Without Magic, that spun on its own and lit up with city lights when it was nighttime there.

She grew bored quickly and she moaned loudly before yelling out for Sebastian.

"Baaasssshhhhh!" Evelina yelled with a raspy voice. She waited a good few minutes before Sebastian walked in with an annoyed expression.

"What do you want, Evie?"

"I'm bored, and Pan won't let me leave the bed. And he threatened that if I did he would tie me down."

"Wow. Saucy." He teased and Evelina frowned. She threw a pillow at him with all the force she had left in her sick body before sneezing.

"Bash I'm sick." She informed with a whine. The Lost Boy nodded and smiled.

"I know, love, Felix is already making you some herbal tea for your sore throat." Bash took the seat next to the bed.

They were left in a comforting silence, and it wasn't until Felix walked into the tent with Evelina's tea that they went back to their loud ways.

"Here." Felix said as he handed Evelina the hot cup of tea. Evelina sniffed it with a disgusted look before gagging.

"I forgot to tell you; I hate tea." Evelina hissed and handed the cup back to Felix. Felix's eye twitched and he gave it to Bash.

"Pan said you had to drink it. It'll feel good on your throat-"

"It's hot, I'm not exactly a big fan of anything that could burn me to death." Evelina exaggerated and laid back flat on the bed.

"This won't kill you-"

"But that fever might." Sebastian interrupted.

"If we have to, we will hold you down and shove it down your throat."

"You wouldn't dare." Evelina snapped and Felix crossed his arms.

"How do you think we made Pan eat before you got here?" Evelina began laughing at the thought of the Lost Boys having to hold down Peter just to get him to eat. But her laughter soon became a fit of coughing and she struggled to breath.

"If you won't drink the tea, will you eat some warm soup?" Bash asked and Evelina groaned but sighed.

"Yes, I'll eat it." She said and Felix nodded as he walked out of the tent to begin making Evelina's soup.

When Felix left, Evelina turned to look at Bash with a bored expression.

"You wanna toss around this ball?" Sebastian asked as he held up the ball that Felix was once playing with. Evelina smiled.

"Person who drops it first has to wipe the blood off the lost boys swords?"

"You're on, bitch."


If you are Marvel trash like me, you'll understand when I say how moved I was when the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War came out.

I watched it twenty times and cried each time.

I have no words for this trailer. All I can say is:

Suck it, DC.

I love DC, don't get me wrong. I grew up watching the original Teen Titans show, the Justice League show, and I always had a deep love for the Joker, Wonder Women, the Flash, Harley, Poison Ivy, and the Riddler.

But lately DC just isn't showing us its full potential in its movies. But that's just my opinion I guess.

As for Infinity War, I am here to make a prediction.

Of course I know many of our favorite heroes will probably die, and I think that's honestly why I cried everytime I saw the trailer.

In the comics, a lot of them die during Infinity War, but the movies aren't going to mirror them.

I'm deeply afraid Tony won't make it out of there alive, neither will Hawkeye or Hulk. I think Vision isn't going to make it either. And I have mixed feelings on whether Steve will survive. I'm not ready to let any of these men die, especially not Tony.

Sorry for the long ramble 😂 I'm going to be an emotional mess until May 4th.

Thanks for reading!

Me while watching the trailer:

Me while watching the trailer:

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P.S- When I saw my baby Loki with tears in his eyes in the trailer, I just wanted to jump through my phone screen and give him a big hug and hold him until everything was okay again.

My poor little angry British smol bean

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