Chapter 40: A Wrong Turn

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Wow! I'm so impressed. I posted on my wall that for every five new subscribers to my email list, I'd post a chapter early (until we run out) and you guys responded! You've got your first five, so here's another chapter today!

Trey's expression changed as the clouds overhead darkened, and a rumble of thunder shook the whole room, knocking almost everyone off their feet. Phoenix, Trey, Helena and Eric remained standing. It was enough to cease all other fighting, with everyone who remained watching the center.

"You're afraid of Trey because he can control the weather, which means he can redirect your lightning," Eric said. "But you should be just as afraid of us, because we are thunder and lightning."

"And unlike Tremaine, we're ready for you," Phoenix said. A circle of flames burst up around Helena. Phoenix knew Helena could jump through them, but the thick layer of slick ice beneath her feet within the ring of fire would make that more difficult.

"Very clever," Helena said, sounding almost impressed as her feet searched for purchase on the ice. "But haven't you noticed something about my kind?"

She disappeared from sight, just as the others in the circle had. Phoenix turned to Eric, who jutted out his jaw.

"We really should have thought of that."

"Where is she?" Phoenix asked. She glanced around the room at everyone in a seemingly frozen state. Quilla sat on Mygel while Maverick seemed to be momentarily holding hands with a soldier in a strange arm wrestle. Bainon was on his back, bleeding, his hand pushing against hte face of the soldier on top of him. Roman had Gwen in his arms, and she didn't seem to be moving.

Only the Ancients had their wits about them. The three of them converged on Trey, Phoenix, and Eric, protecting them from an attack.


She looked around and saw Noelle getting to her feet, a dazed expression on her face. "Is it really you?"

"Does it matter?" Helena appeared at Noelle's side and pulled her once again into her arms as a shield. "If she's really alive, she left you here to rot under the tyranny of your sister. What friend would do that?"

"I came as soon as I could."

"Did you?" Helena looked down at Noelle, an eyebrow arched. "At least you always knew where you stood with me. You asked me for something--you wanted them to burn, didn't you? Together, we can make that happen."

Something flickered in Noelle's eyes. With one last look at Phoenix, Noelle took Helena's hand. The Ancient whirled around and shot a bolt of lightning so fast, Phoenix couldn't push Eric or Trey out of the way. At the last second, the bolt shifted to the right and slammed into her, knocking her to the ground.

This hit didn't feel like the others. It sparked through her with a searing pain. It only lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. Barely aware of what was going on around her, Phoenix felt a tug on her hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Trey's panicked voice broke through her thoughts. "I tried to turn it further--it was going for Ares. I'm so sorry."

Shaking the buzzing out of her head, Phoenix blinked, focusing on Trey. "It's okay."

"Stay down," Eric said, his hand pushing her back. "You can't take another hit like that."

"She'll kill you," Trey said. "She's going to kill us all."

Phoenix opened her mouth to tell him it wasn't true, but couldn't force the lie. Lifting her head, she saw Helena turn toward Roman and Gwen. Roman shifted his body as though to block the unconscious Gwen from the attack, and a bolt of lightning shot across the room.

It happened so slowly, and Phoenix saw all of it. Trey whipped around, throwing his hand out in an effort to divert the bolt. Noelle screamed, her face a mask of terror, even as she clutched Helena's hand. But worse was the body diving into the path, taking the hit and falling to the ground.


Finny hit the floor with a thud, her chest blackened by the electric current.

Head spinning, Phoenix pushed to her feet, unable to believe what she was seeing. Finny didn't move from where she fell. Across the room, Helena had turned to Noelle, a blazing rage in her eyes.

"You're trying to reverse my gift against me!" Noelle wriggled in her grasp, trying to break free as tears slid down her face. "You're trying to sabotage me!"

Relief, followed immediately by fear for Noelle passed through Phoenix. She hadn't taken Helena's hand to burn them all--she was trying to stop Helena. Now she was right in the Ancient's path of destruction.

Maverick--who had been creeping up on Helena from behind--grabbed her by the shoulder and whirled her around, punching her right in the jaw at full force. He shouted in agony, following her to the ground to hit her again.

"You won't touch her," he said, hitting and punching. "You won't touch any of them."

Phoenix saw the spark in Helena's fingers, her feet already moving in their direction. "Maverick! No!" As Helena's hand came up, Phoenix slid into the both of them, grasping Helena's hand with all her might.

The bolt soared from Helena right into Phoenix, pain unlike any she'd ever felt searing right into her bones. A scream broke her lips, high and sharp, but she couldn't let go. Darkness clouded at the edges of her vision--a familiar darkness, promising peace. Phoenix held tight until she couldn't anymore, the darkness overtaking her.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohboy. I don't think Eric's going to be happy with Helena...

Let's take the final showdown, shall we?

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