Chapter 25: The Circle Returns

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Phoenix moved to stand by Maverick at the hearth, her heart thumping and nerves jittery. Eric joined her on his other side, a similar wave of emotion emanating from him.  The dark little room almost shrunk around them, not enough to contain their excitement and anticipation. 

"We're really doing this?" Phoenix asked, and Eric nodded. Maverick's jaw remained tense, and he didn't look at either of them when he spoke.

"Whatever you're doing, stop it," he said under his breath.

"What?" Eric and Phoenix said together. Phoenix glanced around the room and saw that those in attendance were either fanning themselves or shivering. "Oh. Sorry." She took a steadying breath and Eric did the same.

"Now that everyone has returned," Maverick said, glancing at Bainon, Gwen, and Finny. "Can we do this?"

"We can do this." Altair turned to Castor, who nodded. 

They first moved all the furniture out of the center of the room, pushing it back against the walls, away from the fireplace.  They then did the same with the people, asking everyone to sit in a chair and be still.

"This isn't normal," Finny said, hands lifted as if to keep everyone calm. "We don't meet indoors for a reason." 

The three of them stood together on the rug in the center of the room. Bowing their heads, they murmured something in a language Phoenix didn't understand and then stepped backward in three giant steps, leaving ample space between them.

A high-pitched squeal filled the room, and Phoenix had the sensation she was being pushed through a tight tube, turning into putty before coming out other end. She wasn't the only one. The mortals had their hands to their ears, teeth bared and eyes screwed shut against the noise. After several eternal seconds, it eased.

And was followed by a blast of light so bright it nearly knocked Phoenix off her chair. 

Had her eyes been closed like the others, it would have been bad enough, but the full force left big black splotches in her vision, and the room seemed too dark. After several blinking moments, she realized the three Ancients were no longer alone.

The circle had filled, with five other Ancients having appeared, all bathed in light. Now Castor and Altair stood opposite each other, Finny one away from each of them. There were two obvious gaps in the circle--Tremaine and Helix's places.

There was a murmur as they all got their bearings. Phoenix could tell they were shocked by Altair and Castor's unmasked faces.

"You're Youlden?" One of the light beems asked, pointing at Altair. "You were Youlden all along? How did I not notice that? Am I an idiot?"

"Maybe," a female voice standing across from Finny said. "It wouldn't be the first time." 

"We aren't the only ones who need to be revealed," Altair said, his mouth set in a grim line. "The time has come to stop hiding. The traitor is gaining power, and there's no time to waste. The future king of Braskey has called your loyalty into question, and his Guardians--the son and daughter of Selene and Elyo--want to face you."

A round of "what?" and "that's absurd!" went around the circle. Bickering and arguing broke out among them, Finny in the middle of it.

"You're all fools if you think you can stay hidden forever!" 

"This isn't your call, Finnestra. We can't all be as brazen as you."

"I don't really see the harm in it."

"No harm? How can exposing ourselves when one of us might be a traitor not be harmful? Any one of us could be next!"

Castor, Phoenix noticed, remained calm and still, even as Altair's temper got the better of him. With barely any movement--a faint flick of his wrist--a breeze swept through the room, silencing all of them. 

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