Chapter 15: Sibling Spat

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Phoenix groaned, the pain from both hitting the ground and being toppled by Altair flooding her.

"No time to whine," Altair said, dragging her along the stony path around one of the buildings for shelter. "We need a plan."

Phoenix pushed up to rest in a sitting position against the brick wall, glaring up at Altair. "I thought your plan was for him to see me and that would fix everything."

"I thought it would," Altair said through gritted teeth, glancing around the building and ducking back as a blade of ice whizzed by. "He's getting closer."

"Well, you may have wanted a bonding moment," Phoenix said, pushing to her feet, "but I'm in the mood for a fight."

"No. Wait." Altair grabbed her arm. "You can't just--"

His words were cut off by a raging blast of wind that knocked them off their feet again. Phoenix sat up with a growl, her fists at the ready. A tall, lean man stood with his back to them, his arms held out before him. Realizing he was the source of wind, Phoenix leapt up, balls of fire blazing around her fists.

The man dropped his arms and whirled around, his eyes wide. Phoenix felt both fear and elation warring within him, but couldn't fathom why. She was struck momentarily dumb by him, the strangest feeling of knowing him hitting her, even though she had no reason to think she did.

"You can't be here," the man said, addressing Altair and avoiding her gaze. Phoenix felt a flicker of annoyance pass through her at his disregard.

She wanted him to look at her.

"Was knocking us over necessary?" Altair replied, ignoring the other man's statement.

"I had to get him away from you. He could kill you both."

"He can't kill me any more than he could kill you," Altair said, groaning as he stretched. "He's--"

"Not like the others. This is bad. Bad." The man, who Phoenix realized had to be Castor, glanced over his shoulder to the street behind him. "He's gone. I don't know what's in there, but it isn't Eric. He doesn't know me, and he nearly killed Selene."

Eric? Phoenix frowned, a strange buzz running through her at the sound of the name.

"So she said." Altair rubbed his shoulder, still unaffected. "But you can't possibly mean--"

"I mean what I say. Now go--quickly. Find Finny and get the others to safety. He's coming for all of you, and he won't stop."

As Altair opened his mouth to reply, Phoenix side-stepped Castor and moved out into the open space. The sun had crept higher, nearing the noon hour, casting shadows along the desolate stretch of road. Phoenix could sense people inside the buildings, but knew they'd shuttered inside, away from the frightening being standing at the point in the road that split off into three separate streets.

His back was to her as he considered a building. The ice around his feet had spread so far, she had to create flames around her own feet to melt it so she wouldn't slip.

"Hey, you!" she shouted, drawing his attention. She was done playing games. Family or not, he had to be stopped.

After all, he didn't mean anything to her.

Ares turned, his icy blue eyes frightening even from a distance. His brows were low, his whole face seemed etched into permanent hatred. Phoenix felt her own lip curl in a snarl as the flames climbed up her arms.

I do not like this man.

"I don't know you," Ares said, his voice deep and cold. It sent another shiver down Phoenix's spine, but she remained firm, arching a brow.

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