Chapter 33: It Continues

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Having Quilla on their side proved incomparable when it came to sneaking around the castle and causing trouble. Not only did she signal them when the coast was clear, but she used her unique gift to make sure they were never heard. Maverick destroyed several rooms without a sound, while Eric crept around on his own, spreading a frigid chill through various parts of the castle.

As for Phoenix, she knew exactly where she was headed on her second night. She dodged Aundreya's room--Quilla had heard Aundreya wouldn't be so easy to disturb after the sleepless night she'd had. Sneaking out on the second to last floor with Eric, Phoenix found a set of stairs up and--while Quilla stayed with Maverick--crept up to the top floor.

At the end of the hall, Phoenix forced herself past Noelle's door--she'd return there if she had time. Maverick had given Eric his necklace back, since he had Quilla to keep him from being caught. At Eric's signal, Phoenix had no choice but to return. They all knew they wouldn't have as much time tonight.

The door she'd seen the night before still had the key inside, which Phoenix thought foolish, but helpful. Turning the key until it clicked sent a thrill through Phoenix. Pushing open the door, Phoenix immediately saw a winding staircase leading up--no doubt to the tallest tower.

It occurred to her that she might still need the key, so she pulled it from the door and closed it behind her, climbing the steps. The stone staircase twisted and turned, bringing her up to a second door. Closing her eyes, she struggled to sense anything inside--but Roman's signature had never been easy to spot.

As she'd suspected, the door needed the key to unlock it. Taking in a breath, Phoenix turned the handle of the now unlocked door and stepped inside. Unlike Noelle the night before, Roman wasn't lying in his bed.

The moment Phoenix stepped across the threshold, Roman was up in the middle of the room, wearing only a pair of pants, his fists raised. In the pitch black he couldn't see her. Before he could speak, Phoenix lit a flame and tossed it into the fireplace, basking the room in a glow.

Whatever Roman had been expecting, it wasn't Phoenix. His hands fell to his sides as his mouth dropped open. Phoenix stepped further into the room, keeping her eyes on him, waiting for him to speak. He matched her movements, always keeping the same distance between them.

"You're dead. You're not real. This is some new trick of Aundreya's," Roman finally said, still circling with her, not even blinking.

"She can make you see things now?"

"I wouldn't put it past her."

"I'm not a hallucination."

"Prove it."

Phoenix arched a brow and grinned. "The fire wasn't enough?"

"A hallucination could create a hallucinatory fire."

"Touché." Phoenix glanced around the room. "You could always come touch my hand or something. Prove I'm here."

"If you're one of her lies, I'd believe I'm touching you."

"Then how do I make you believe I'm here?"

"You don't." Roman closed his eyes and turned away from her. "Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head."

With his back turned, Phoenix stepped closer, saddened by what Aundreya had done to Roman. She knew him, but her memories were too foggy to be useful. Reaching out, she touched him on his bare shoulder. A flood of images hit her, just as dizzying as every other time it happened. Roman sucked in a breath and turned, his demeanor defensive once again.

"Do you remember when you first dragged us to your little hovel?" Phoenix asked, seeing the memory again. "That place where you lived after your mother died?"

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