Chapter 9: Power Within

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"There's still ice everywhere," Phoenix said, taking in Vellaria's crystalized town square.

"Of course it is. It's not summer. It won't just melt in these colder temperatures."

"Is it colder?" Phoenix asked. She'd never noticed.

"It's not yet Spring." Altair slid sideways an inch on top of the ice. It'd taken them three days to travel to Vellaria. The Watcher wasn't pleased by their pace, insisting they'd already missed their quarry. Phoenix couldn't find the effort to care.

"I can fix it." Phoenix skated along until she reached the thickest portion - nearly two solid feet of ice. Placing her hands atop it, she spread heat through, pulling it from the air to maximize the effort. The heat stretched from the solid block until all the ice dripped.

The effort proved too great, and Phoenix stumbled, breathing hard. Altair supported her, frowning down at her. "What's wrong?"

"His ice - it''s like the cold is fighting back."

"It would, just as he would have a hard time putting out one of your fires." Altair lifted his gaze, eying the tops of the buildings. "Looks like you've started it, though. I think it'll keep melting."

"How'd you do that?" A voice drew them around. A little girl stood wide-eyed.

"She's a Guardian. She's here to make your village safe," Altair said, righting Phoenix to stand on her own two feet.

"And who are you protecting us from?" A woman approached, suspicion blatant on her face. "The Militia? The Army? Other Guardians? We've seen it all."

"I'm no friend of the Militia," Phoenix said without prompting from Altair. "They're murderers and tyrants. Nor would I say I'm with the Army - King Bainon allowed others to rule in his sted and led to the Militia's formation."

"And other Guardians?" A man asked from the other side. "The one that was here did this with another who created a frightening wind. Will you protect us, or hurt us as they did?"

"They're lost," Altair said, and Phoenix sensed the partial truth to it. "They have been wounded by the battle between the Militia and the Army. We'll help them."

"What battle?" More had gathered, and Phoenix caught murmurings and whispers of "they were right," and "can it be true?"

"The battle the Militia started when they snuck into Osha and attacked at the dead of night." Altair rose to his full height. "Innocent women and children were killed. Queen Narissa is dead, pushed off a balcony. King Bainon and his heirs are missing."

"The heirs aren't!" someone called. "They were here!"

Rumblings went through the crowd.

"Was it real?"

"They were right!"

"Can it be?"

"We're looking for them. We have to find them, keep them safe," Altair said, face brightening.

Phoenix frowned up at him. "I thought we were looking for Ares."

"Both," Altair said under his breath. "I think either could help you return to who you were."

"Do I know the heirs?"

"They went north!" A short man with blond hair stepped forward. "They went north after the Guardian who attacked us."

"We'll find them," Altair said, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "We'll find them all."


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