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I feel like a hot fucking mess. Marcus is picking me up today from the hospital. After all the medication nothing can take away the trauma. I can't go back to work for a while.
My ribs started hurting. I took slow deep breaths. When Antonio raped me he fractured my ribs. I was beaten so badly they thought I wasn't going to make it. But I pulled through.

Marcus walked in the room. I was so happy to see him. I'm pretty sure he saw the pain in my eyes.
"Are you okay baby?" He asked.
"No my ribs hurt." I replied.
"Did you take any medicine?"
"Yeah but I think its wearing off now."
"When we get you some food you can take more okay?"
Marcus helped me out of the bed. I had to move really slowly. We walked out to the front and he signed my discharge papers.

Marcus made some dinner for me. The pain in my ribs were intense. Marcus gave me my plate. I ate my food and took my pills. I watched Marcus rummage through his dresser. I'm not sure what he's looking for.
"Baby what are you looking for?" I asked.
"My gun." He mumbled.
"Cause Antonio keep fucking with us."
Marcus' phone rang. I watched him answer it.

"The fuck do you want nigga?" I answered.
"Its not what I want its who you want." He replied.
"The fuck you talking bout?"
"Marcus help!" Shante screamed.
"Don't touch a fucking hair on her." I shouted.
"Who's gonna stop me?" Antonio asked.
"Ima beat yo bitch ass if you do something to her."
I hung up the phone. Summer looked at me waiting for me to tell her.
"He got Shante. I'm going to get her." I said.
"What?!" She replied. She tried to hurry her ass out of bed.
"Baby stay in bed. You need bed rest. I will deal with it."
"He got my baby!"
"I know. Ima get her okay. Stay here with Dawn."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I kissed Summer on her cheek. I walked in Dawn's room. She was texting on her phone.

"Dawn I'm going out. Watch Summer for me. I will be back." I said.
"Okay." She replied.
I grabbed my keys and walked back in my room. I went in my drawer and grabbed my glock. I called Mac and told him to meet me at the safe house.

Shante was tied to a chair when I walked inside and Antonio wasn't in eyesight.
"Yo!" I shouted. I felt cold metal on my neck. A chill went down my spine. I could hear a trigger being pulled. Gunshots went off. Shante screamed. Blood splattered everywhere. I didn't feel the gun on my neck anymore. I turned around and Antonio had his brain blowed out. Mac walked up to me and hugged me.
"You should have done that from the jump." I said. I hugged my brother. I ran over to Shante and untied her from the chair.
"Did he hurt you?" I asked.
She nodded and cried. She placed her head in my shoulder. I picked her up and carried her to the car.
Mac walked me to the car.
"You need any help?" I asked as I laid Shante in the back seat.
"No I got it." He replied.
"Stay safe."
"You too."
I hugged Mac before getting in my car. I drove Shate home.

I carried Shante inside the bathroom and sat her on the toilet.
"Ima call Dawn to help you." I said. She just sniffled.

Derek kissed me on my neck. I bit down on my bottom lip. The twins are at my mom's house. "Baby wait." I said.
"What?" He replied.
"I'm not in the mood."
"What you mean?"
"I'm not feeling it right now."
"Some other nigga been hitting it?"
"No baby that's not what I meant."
Derek slapped the shit out of me. I held my face.
"So who been in my pussy?" Derek asked.
"Nobody!" I cried.
"Fucking liar."
He slapped me again. I kicked him in his balls and hurried out of the bed. I threw on some clothes while Derek laid in pain. Then I ran into the kitchen. I have no idea what to do. I grabbed a frying pan out of the cupboard. I wish I had some grits. I'm ready to do some shit off that Madea movie. Derek ran into the kitchen I smacked him upside the head with the frying pan.
"Bitch!" He shouted. I hit him again in the head. I ran back in my room with the frying pan. I started packing my shit again. Derek snuck up behind me and choked me. I elbowed him in his stomach. He let go of me. I picked up the frying pan and smacked him again. I grabbed my suitcase and ran out the room.

When I told mom everything she nearly had a heart attack. I'm glad that she isn't sick anymore. I thought I was going to lose her. By the look on her face when I told her what happened she was ready to die.
"Sweetie why would you allow that?" She asked.
"I don't know." I replied.
"Do you love him?"
"Come here darling."
My mom pulled me in a warm embrace. I cried on her shoulder. Devyn walked in the living room and climbed on my lap. She hugged me and patted my back.

Today was scary as fuck. I don't even know that man. I thought he was going to kill me. He beat me badly. None of my bones are broken but I have bruises. Even though my skin is dark the bruises are showing. I'm grateful for Dawn. She helped me take a shower and get in bed. I must say I have the best sister ever. I stared at my ceiling. I'm scared as fuck.
Marcus walked in the room.

"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah just scared and painful." I replied.
"Its okay he's not coming back."
"You sure?"

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