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I went by Jonathan's house for dinner. He was so excited. He reintroduced me to his family as his girlfriend. My heart fluttered. We all sat at the dinner table and chatted. I was already done with my food so I just socialized with his family. After 15 minutes everybody was dismissed from the table. Jonathan carried me to his bedroom. I sat on his chair.
"You could sit on the bed if you wanna." He suggested.
I got up from the chair and sat on the bed. Jonathan scooted closer to me. I immediately felt uncomfortable. Since I was raped last year I've been having anxiety. I'm not really comfortable being in Jonathan's room with the door closed. My nerves are driving me up the wall. I haven't been the same in the past year. I got diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. Since the rape I've been out if it. Mama had been counseling me and it does help. Not a lot but it helps.
Jonathan scooted close me and wrapped his arm around me. I tried to relax. But I just feel like something bad is going to happen. What if he pressures me for sex? I'm not ready for this.
Jonathan kissed me softly. I'm really nervous.
"I'm not ready for this." I said aloud.
"For what? You've been kissing me for the past month." He replied.
"I mean sex."
"Dawn..I'm not trying to pressure you. If you wanna wait I will wait. I'm not rushing you. I know its going to take some time before you're ready."
"Thanks for understanding baby."
"No problem."
He kissed me again. I felt more at ease but I still don't trust him. I know I should. I've known him since diapers but everything changed.
"What do you wanna do?" He asked.
"Let's watch a movie." I suggested.
He turned on his tv. He flipped through the channels until we ended up watching lifetime. The movie is about a rape victim and her story. Flashbacks haunted me. My heart started pounding. I started to sweat everywhere. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off.
"Baby you okay?" Jonathan asked. I started to cry and my body started trembling. "Baby I'm sorry." he said as he pulled me in and hugged me. I cried on his shoulder. He rubbed my back. "They're in jail now they can't hurt you anymore." He reassured me.

"Come one just one hit." Mario said as he handed me the blunt. I hesitated. Its been a year since I quit smoking.
"I don't know guys." I replied. I sat down on the park bench and looked around. Everybody looked disappointed. I usually would never turn down a hit. But things have changed. I'm an honor roll student now. My grades are way better my life is way better. There is no more drama. No more stress. I don't have a reason to smoke or drink anymore.
"I gotta go." I said. I got up from the bench and walked away from the park. Michael's house isn't far from here so I chose to walk there.

I knocked on the front door. Micheal opened the door. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he was really sweaty. He looked surprised to see me.
"Baby what are you doing here?" He asked, out of breath.
"I was in the area and I decided to stop by." I replied as I stepped inside. Something ain't right. I could feel it. I walked towards Michael's room. He ran ahead and stopped me.
"Why can't I go in your room?" I questioned as I tired to look over his shoulder.
"Its dirty as fuck." He replied.
"Let me help you clean up." I suggested.
"No I got it. Wait in the living room for me."
I rolled my eyes and walked in the living room. I sat on the couch and waited. I head a lot of shuffling and noise coming from his room. What is he doing? I think he's hiding something from me.

I cocked the gun sideways. "Where is the fucking money?" I shouted. Mario started shaking. I would have mercy because he is young but Antonio is with me. I can't be doing weak shit around him.
"I...I...I...don't have any." He replied.
"Nigga have my money by Friday!" I shouted.
"Today is Thursday. Give me some more time!" He begged.
"Nah nigga I done said it. You got 24 hours. If you don't have the money yo moms gone go missing first!"
I looked from the corner of my eyes and saw Antonio smile. Antonio always labeled me as a punk. I never killed anybody in cold blood before. My brother Mac was always the killer. I was usually the nigga who would just be there. Mac didn't come back to the drug game. I have big shoes to fill in and I'm 36.

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