716 20 15

"Follow me."
I hear the door slam shut and the lock click.

That motherfucker tricked me.. I've been sitting in this stupid room for hours it feels like.

Why the hell out of all people did Mr. Payne take me? None of this makes any sense. I hope to god that he doesn't hurt me. He doesn't look like the type to hurt someone, but when he was mad earlier, I was scared for my life.

I look around the room to see if there's a window I can escape from. There is one, but the bars are so small there's barley any light coming in the room.

This is great...

Just fucking great...I'm really stuck here.


I've been sitting here for hours until I hear a door slam shut. I run to to the door and start yelling.

"Mr. Payne, please let me out. I'm hungry." At first it was a lie but then I realized that I really was hungry. it's been hours since lunch. I was going to say something else but he opened the door before I had the chance.

He's standing in the door frame staring at me with his arms crossed. "I went for groceries. What do you want to eat?" I shrug my shoulders. I could go for anything right now, I'm starving. He leaves the room and I follow.

The kitchens huge, and very clean. He must come here often."Sit." He says pointing at the small table. I'm no dog, he can't talk to me like that!

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm not a dog."

"Don't test me right now. I'm being nice by letting you outa there to eat, so be a good girl and sit the fuck down." He grinds his teeth together furiously.

I quickly pull a chair and sit. I put my head down on my arms because I don't want to look at him. He's staring at me again I think. I can feel it. "I'm throwing a pizza or two in the oven, what kind do you like?"

"Cheese.." I look back to him and he's got two pizzas from the freezer.

"Are you thirsty?" I nod yes and he hands me a water bottle. I'm still confused on why I'm here. I want to ask again, but I don't want him to put me in that damn room again.

"Mr. Pay-"

"You can call me Liam, if you'd like."

"I'm more comfortable with Mr. Payne." I say harshly. He give me an emotionless look before turning back around to the refrigerator. It's silent for a moment until I speak up. "Why me?"

"What?" He turns around.

"Why did you have to kidnap me? I'm sure other students have skipped detention."

"We're not going to have this discussion."

"Why no-"

"I said no." I bow my head. I can't even look at him. I thought he was a loving teacher. Boy was I wrong. "The only thing I'm going to say is that I picked you a long time ago." He's got to be joking..

"How long are you going to keep me?" I ask getting a fistfull of my shirt. My knuckles start to turn red.

"As long as I have to."

"What does that mean?"

"What's with all the fucking questions?" He snaps. I've never heard him yell or cuss this much before. I gives me chills. He leaves the kitchen and all I can hear is his footsteps in the other room. All of a sudden I hear people talking. Could someone else be here? Maybe if I start a comotion they could help me. I run into the livingroom to see it's just his TV. "Nobody's coming for you, so don't get your hopes up love." I walk back into the kitchen and say something under my breath.


"Excuse me?" He stands up from the couch. "What did you just say to me?"

"I didn't say anything." I turn back around and start walking back into the kitchen. I stop again and step in front of the TV. "What do you plan on doing to me?" I ask. I didn't think about it until now, he could have taken me to be his sex slave or wife or something. He just stares at me, I feel so uncomfortable right now. Maybe if I just leave the room for good he'll stop staring at me. I go back into the kitchen and just as I sit down the oven beeps. And in comes Mr. Payne walking in to take the pizza out. The room is so quiet that I can hear every footstep, every breath, every single sound the oven makes.

"Here." He sets two slices of pizza in front of me. "Join me on the couch."

"That didn't sound like a question."

"It wasn't." I faintly hear. I sit as far away from him as I can which is the opposite side of the couch. I don't know if I should just relax or be aware and worried. I guess I can do a little bit of both. I cross my legs on the couch to get a little more comfrotable. Mr. Payne flips the channels and I make a little gasp when I see my favorite show for split second. I didn't think he noticed until he flipped back to it.

"Thanks." I say holding back a smile.

"It's whatever. Do you want anything to drink?" I nod my head yes and he comes back with a waterbottle. Fourty-five minutes later my show ends and he's flipping channels again. It lands on some detective show. It talks about this college student who gets kidnapped, rapped, and murdered by her boyfriend's best friend; because he fall in love with her. He had the girl for six years and the boyfriend didn't even notice. Eventually he got caught him, obviously.

"How ironic." I mumble. The only ironic part is the kidnapping part.

"It's coincadental not ironic. C'mon I tought you that last semester." I roll my eyes and continue watching the program. The narrator states that she has loads of chances to escape, but she had stockholm syndrome. I have no idea what that is. "Stockholm syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them," he smirks. He's obviously mocking me.

"You think I'm going to get that?" I ask pointing to the TV. He gets a serious look and I start to feel small and weak.

"It's only a matter of time." He winks. I'm trying to add up all the mental illnesses this man has got. He's obviously bipolar. One second he'll be mad then he'll act cocky and happy then back to mad again.


We watched TV for another two hours before I started getting tired. "Are you ready for bed?" He asks.

"What are the sleeping arangements?" I ask, hoping my bedroom is that dark room I was locked in earlier. I want to be as far away from him as possible.

"There's only one bed, love." Oh god. He stands up and leads me to the master bedroom. It looks untouched and unslept in. There was a love seat and a big dresser with a door next to it. Must be the bathroom. "You can sleep in the bed until you're comfortable with sleeping with me." That'll be the day.

Liam's POV

Holy shit it's been an eventful day... I can't believe I actually took her. I've been thinking about it for years but never thought about really doing it. But she made me so mad. Well, what's done is done. After I showed her my bedroom she went back to the living room to watch tv. She fell asleep an hour later, and now I'm carrying her to my bed. She's in the most uncomfortable clothes for bed. Should I change her clothes? I'm not sure but I'll just say fuck it and do it anyways.


I put her an a t-shirt of mine and kept her bra and underwear on. Geez and I thought it was hard to dress babies... She's a heavy sleeper. I lay her in the bed in pull the comforter to her neck. She looks so beautiful and sweet. I give her a small back on the forehead before undressing myself. That love seat is so small. Hopefully I'll wake up before her and she won't notice I slept with her. It's late and I'm tired as hell.

Chapter 2 done! I'm sorry if it's shit tho. Also I'm too lazy to spell check! Keep in mind that he's been her teacher for 3.5 almost 4 years

Love you!

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