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it's time. I sat there waiting for him. I heard someone knock the door and I rushed to the door. "Hi lou..." it wasn't Louis. I sat back down and waited. And waited. And waited. "He was supposed to be here an hour ago" I said to myself.  Maybe he isn't coming? Maybe it was all a joke? I opened my phone to text him and a notification popped up "Louis.tommo sent a photo" that's my best friend, Riya, she really is amazing and we're both totally obsessed with Louis. It was a picture, of Louis, today, with a "mystery girl".

 I knew this was too good to be true

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I knew this was too good to be true. I sat in my bed eating (obviously) and thought about everything. I got my phone out and wrote him a message "who is she?"

*ping* I slowly opened my eyes and stretched. I was half asleep but I could just read it. It was from yasemin. "Who is she?" Who is she?? I thought to myself. I replied "??" And started to fall asleep again. I had just dozed off when I got another message. This time it was a picture. My jaw dropped. I remembered everything in that second. Oh god what am I gonna do? "I'm so sorry." I replied. I was shaking, have I just messed everything up? I need to make things right again. I woke up and had a shower. Lottie was making pancakes yet again. "Good morning" I said with a frown on my face. She'd forgotten the milk again.What a surprise! There I went. On the long, dull walk to ASDA. I really didn't wanna go back there. I decided to go back to where everything happened. The biscuit aisle. To my surprise I saw a familiar face. "yasemin!!" I said as my face lit up...

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