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"Hey it's Louis :) just wondering what your doing tomorrow evening?" I quickly sent the text before I could change my mind. I sat there waiting and waiting for a reply. "Heya, nothing much I don't think why??" She replied. "Do you wanna come watch me perform tomorrow??" I asked. "Yeh sure!" She replied. "Cool, I'll see you at 7, bye ;)"

Omg, your kidding right? Louis has just asked me to watch him perform. LOUIS TOMLINSON HAS JUST ASKED ME TO WATCH HIM PERFORM AHHHHHHH. I literally can't believe it!!

What do I wear? I know I'll wear my Louis top!! I'm gonna have to leave soon but I'm just gonna go have something to eat, maybe an Oreo! I laughed at my joke even though it really wasn't funny

She'll be here soon! I'm so nervous, I'm never usually this nervous. I really want this to go well, I hope she likes it. Louis!! Stop worrying calm down. But its so hard when you like someone so much. I took a few long deep breaths and managed to calm myself down. As soon as I did I heard someone call from outside the door "Louis there's someone here to see you" then the door opened, it was yasemin! We sat and talked for a while and before I knew it it was showtime, I was no longer nervous just very excited. I got on stage and I could see her standing in the front row.

I'm so excited I can't believe I'm in the front row, I feel so lucky! My idol is standing right in front of me. He started to sing and everyone was screaming, including me and everyone was so happy. He looked so happy. "I would like to dedicate this next song to a very special person" he announced as he looked in the direction where I was standing. I looked behind me to see who he was looking at and I then realised it was me! I went bright red. Did Louis really just dedicate one of his songs to me?...

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