the break

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We decided to take a break. To go our separate ways. Try new things. See our families. Little did I know what was about to happen... I woke up to the sweet smell of my sisters cooking, it was a familiar scent to me, it reminded me of my younger years. I went to the kitchen and daisy and phoebe were sitting at the table waiting for there pancakes. I said "good morning" but of course all I got back was a grumpy teenage grumble. Lottie was making pancakes but she forgot to get enough milk so she sent me to walk all the way (even though it's literally down the road) to the shop just to get her Milk.
Finally after about what felt like an hour i reached Asda. Oh course I had just woken up with my morning face,morning hair and I was still in my pyjamas. I was just praying that no one recognised me! As I walking to get the Milk I thought what goes best with Milk and at that moment it struck me, OREOS! I quickly rushed to the biscuit aisle and went to grab the first pack of Oreos I'd seen. I wasn't paying attention and as I went to grab the pack another hand touched it. I looked up. "Umm sorry" I awkwardly said whilst giving her the pack of Oreos. "Aren't you Louis Tomlinson from one direction?!" She squealed. Great! someone noticed, "shhh, keep it down please" I whispered. "I literally love you so much!" She exclaimed, and you could tell as she was wearing her Louis onesie. Even in her onesie this girl was one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen. I froze, I didn't know what to say... finally I managed to ask her what her name was. Her name was Yasemin.

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