Oh No! With a Side Of Leo

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The last Chapter was short so this will be long!(Hopefully!)

The Door P.O.V

Those stupid dumb demigods!

I chuckled,I was admiring the view;I was bellow the London eye watching as the baby-man and his girlfriend where climbing on the cars,leaping to get to the one they thought I was in.I straightened my tie and walked causally down the busy streets of London.My eyes drifted around all the signs,trying to find one in particular.I smiled,right in front of me was:Hydra fashion.This is where my pets,I mean co-workers live."We will kill you with our fashion,"A annoying jingle sounded.

I shook my head,smiling."Emma,Ally,Corrie,Jenna!"No one in the store payed attention to me as I causally walked into the,Employees Only,room.It was a little musty room with peeling blue-green wallpaper and a desk with hot pink duck tape covering the top.Emma was sitting on a bright pink chair braiding her long blonde hair.She looked up from her hair,"Welcome home,door!"She skipped over to me and gave me a huge hug."Hi Emma,it's good to be back!" I said giving her a tight hug.

She sat in her chair and took out her laptop."So...where is your sisters?"I said still standing awkwardly."Why do you want to know where those Greek- Geeks are,"she questioned still not looking up from her computer."Um....Okay,so what are you doing?"She glanced up at me for a second,"Updating my status to in a relationship with you!"I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath,blushing slightly"Emma you know I'm in a relationship."Emma sighed and flipped her ling braid over her shoulder,"Ya,your in a relationship with me,honey!"I took another breath,what is wrong with this girl,well in better words,Hydra.That's right a Hydra,but Emma is only one head.Her sisters are the other head,and trust me they have the brains of the body.

I looked around for Ally,she might know where Jenna was."That looks p-perfect on you!"I smiled,it was Ally,I would know that hiss from anywhere. I sneaked up on her and tapped her shoulder.She turned around quickly her light green dress swirled like fog around her knees."Do you need...,"Ally stopped when she saw me a smile played on her face."Oh I'm glad you back,mortals and monsters are coming in like teen girls to One-Direction!"She gave me a quick hug and tapped on the door,"Can you please hurry,I have other business to attend to!"I heard a suffle and a squeak when I opened the door to see Leo.I froze,Leo smiled at Ally."Thanks for the help I bet she will love this dress,"He said as he held up the sea green dress with few dirty oil marks on it in the shape of Leo's hand.Ally shuddered,she hatted dirt,or anything dirty.Leo looked at me as if he knew me,he shook his head and walked to the cashier.I pushed Ally into the wall,not enough to hurt her,but enough to make her squirm."Why did you let him in,"I growled,Ally slapped me hard,which made me drop her.She landed on her feet and brushed her dress,"Do you have NO manners!"Ally smiled,"While you where out chasing demigods,I caught one!"I rolled my eyes,"The only thing that you did was lure him in to shop."Ally giggled/hissed,it was kinda weird."Oh Jena,check out on cash register one!"Jenna jumped from the balcony that was above the check-out and landed on Leo knocking him out.The customers around her didn't even notice,that's right,the mist helps us as well.Jenna kicked Leo with her hot-pink heels with of course,skulls printed on the sides.She flipped her hair and ran over to me hugging me."One down seven more to go,"Jenna whispered in my ear."I have a little baby-man outside on the London eye not to far from here,"I said as I put my head in her long blonde hair.Jenna kissed the top of my head and dragged Leo downstairs.What a beautiful goddess.I went and reached for the shopping bag that held the blue-green dress.I opened it to see a card:
Dear Lucy,
I'm very sorry to say but after we return to camp,I will go to Calypsos island and rescue her.You are the only person I have told this to except for Mr.Crayon,my stuffed animal turtle.So I'm sorry I have to depart and give you a suckish dress and leave.I love Calypso.I gave you this dress so you can always remember me.
Our time is limited,
Leo Valdez,The Sexy

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