The Wind

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Hey! Thank you for deciding to read my book. Quick reminder that I don't own any of the characters linked to Camp Half Blood, all on Rick R.  Also I wrote this a long time ago and my writing has most definitely changed over the years so I have decided to edit it to make it more readable. This process may take a while, but the outcome will hopefully be great. Also this was created before the last book so there might be some inconsistencies.


   Let's get one thing straight, I was never really a big fan of the outdoors. For a few minutes it was bearable. But four hours in a dense forest on a sticky summers day, not to mention with your fellow classmates? Sounds like complete torture to me. Especially due to the fact that Mr.Mcjug was our chaperone on this field trip. And just between you and me, yes his head did look like a giant jug. Our class was stranded in the middle of a forest most kids already wondered off and most likely got mauled by bears. But hey, that's none of my business. This forest gave me unsettling vibes. Either way,  going off the path looking for Little Billy was not my priority.

  Mr. Mcjug stopped us and crouched down and looked at the soil a clown like grin spreading across his face. "Would you look at that kiddo's!" He said with that smile that would make Barney cry.

"Now can anyone tell me what kind of soil this is?"

  There was an awkward silence then suddenly a kid shouted the infamous your mom joke. The class began to laugh then Mcjug stood up a disappointed look on his face. We began to move on, Mcjug's excitement levels dropped drastically, sometimes I felt a little bad for the teacher. My only friend, Mary, said that last year for our schools senior prank that they filled Mcjug's desk with spiders. All of his students knew that he hated arachnids. Poor guy wouldn't use his desk for weeks.

  When I talking to Mary, I began to hear something strange. It wasn't loud, almost like a buzz even. An annoying bug attempting to sabotage my thoughts. I stopped and tried to concentrate. The sound slowly became words that I couldn't understand yet felt as if the words where on the tip of my tongue. Closing my eyes helped more, it was becoming clear. All of the sounds of the forest hushed and I could hear the word. Kaia.  At first I thought it might be Mary ushering me along , but the voice was different. Inhuman even. The wind brushed against my back as if urging me to open my eyes.

  I was alone. My class was no where in sight. There was no longer the chatter of annoying high school students, now it was just me and the forest.

"Guys! This is the worst prank ever come out," I cried out hoping for a response. 

  After a moment of waiting I started to cry out for anyone. I began running down the dirt path trying to find my class. Then the buzzing happened again. Kaia, Kaia. Each time getting louder. Then silence.

 I looked down at my feet to find a ragged shirt. It was a bright orange and had writing on the front. I picked it up hoping that it didn't carry a deadly disease. There was a picture of a winged horse and bold lettering that stated Camp Halfblood. The trees transformed into smears of green dancing wildly across my vision. The last thing I heard was a young girls voice crying out in pain.

  Sadly I woke up to find out that I was still in the forest, not sure of what happened in recent memory. Slowly getting up, my head was pounding ferociously as I leaned on a nearby Pine Tree. The air was cool and my favorite  tree offered me shade. The tree reminded me of the one outside of my boarding school. This thought made me even more depressed, because even despite hating a large sum of people in that class, I was still alone. There was not a soul around me and the sun was setting. My class must be on their way back. A berry bush near me began to move. Suddenly I was reminded of the distressed voice I heard before. There is someone in this forest. Hoping the thing was not a serial killer, I let out a meek, "Little billy? Is that you?" I was praying to ever single god to ever exist that it was in fact the boy who looked very much like Harry Potter's younger brother.

 After a moment of waiting for a reply, I decided that it was just an animal. I was about to look for a park ranger or something when a strained voice called out to me.

 "Help me."

 I found some bravery to look at where the noise was coming from. I stuck my hand out and quickly separated the branches.

 There was a girl behind the berry bush. The frightened girl cried out in agony as she held her side. There was a large gash with blood painting her bright orange shirt. She looked around my age, but she wasn't for sure wasn't from my boarding school. She turned over and looked me straight in eyes. The girl looked fierce despite being in immense pain. She looked at the shirt I was holding and let out a shriek. Tears began flowing from her eyes. The shirt that she was wearing was the same as the one in my hand.

 "Take me to Camp Half Blood," she begged. Confused on what to do, I decided to do whatever the girl instructed. "Can you walk?" I asked as I dropped next to her curled up body feeling immense sympathy for the girl.

 "Do I look like I can! I can hardly lift my head up," she shouted. "I'm just trying to help you," I retorted. The girl shifted uncomfortably. "You're right. I'm sorry. I think I'm dying," the girl replied.

 Picking her up carefully, I was surprised that I didn't drop her. I guess gym class was paying off.

  "Where is the camp," I asked the girl as I scoped my surroundings. Her finger pointed North. She told me that she was part of a summers camp that operated near here. I slowly walked among the  trees feeling as if they where watching us. After a while we came across water. I sat the girl down and took a breather. My breathing slowed, as I looked with pity at the hurt girl. Her once dark skin was now a pale and had an odd purple tint.

 "Please, we are almost there," she whispered pointing to a colonial style house on the top of a hill. Thankfully, the lights where on.

The Lost Daughter Of Gaea (a Percy Jackson fan-fic) [Under Major Editing]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن