Attack Of The Unknown

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“So, what’s the surprise?” I asked, moving forward to sit on the edge of my seat.

“Your mother and I managed to get all of your friends together for a farewell party at an old swimming hole.” my father replied, causing me to smile with joy.

“Where at?” I asked, growing excited.

“About 10 minutes from here.” my father replied, smiling at me through the rearview mirror.

The rest of the way to the swimming hole was longer than I liked to be, and once we came to a stop beside a barbed wire fence that separated the river from the road, I burst with joy. I quickly opened the door, jumped out, opened the trunk, and found my bathing suit. My father and mother were already wearing there’s, how I hadn’t noticed this beforehand, I will never truly understand.

“Were going to head toward the party while you get changed.” my father said, taking my mother by the hand and walking away.

I quickly climbed into the car, changed, and got out. Ready to get to the water to say goodbye to my friends for the last time. After placing my things back into the trunk, I carefully crawled through the barbed wire. As I brought my right leg through, a sharp pain tore into it, causing me to yelp slightly. I quickly got out from underneath the fence and began to inspect my leg. There was a small cut where a trickle of blood was slowly pouring.

“Whoever invented you needs to die.” I stated blindly to the fence before laughing at myself for doing so.

My laughing soon ceased and I finished my walk to the small section of the river we swam in.

“KATLYN!” everyone shouted in excitement before running to great me.

I hugged everyone as they came, as I did so I was remembered why I wanted to stay here so bad. Everyone was kind hearted to me, even though they barely knew me. After greeting me, most of the boys and a few of the girls began to toss a football to each other in the water. They asked if I wanted to join in, but I refused. The ones that weren’t playing football were talking casually on the bank. I began to walk toward them, ready to join in conversation when the face of my first friend caught my attention. He was sitting on the bank, away from everyone staring into the waters as if they were cursed.

“Ryan!” I exclaimed happily, catching his attention.

He glanced my way, waved and smiled. As I neared him, he stood and hugged me. His green eyes mixed perfectly with his light brown hair that went to his eyebrows, and light body build. He was sort of like me in a way, but slightly taller.

“So, your leaving now?” he asked, his smile beginning to fade away.

“Yeah, I know. We need to stop moving so much.” I sighed in reply, causing him to smile before sitting back down in the dirt. I sat beside him and watched as he once again lost himself in the water again.

There was something………different about him that had changed. when we first met, he was happy, fun to be around, and always joking with us. Now, he was none of that. One day during school, he randomly collapsed. The doctors said it was because of dehydration, but I don’t think it was that. After his collapse, he began to act differently. He would only talk to me, and when he did, it was about something like dragons or spirits. He started to slowly grow paranoid about everything and everyone around him, like someone was controlling him. He was later expelled for getting a tattoo of a Yin Yang on his shoulder, right on his shoulder blade, but this Yin Yang was different. Instead of black and white, it was blue and gold, and had what seemed to be hand in the middle of it. After he was expelled, I never saw him again, until now.

“So, what’s been going on?” he asked, breaking an awkward silence.

“School, things, you know. Same stuff different day.” I replied with a smug grin. He noticed it and smiled.

“You going to swim or not?” I asked standing and stepping into the water, before moving my feet slowly through the warm current.

“I don’t swim here.” he quickly replied, his gaze changing to one of fear.

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“Its……..complicated.” he replied as I began to walk waist deep into its depths. The roar of a waterfall about 30 yards away from us seemed to be soothing, and although the water rushed over the side like a wild animal, it was calm and smooth where we were.

“You might want to watch out for the drop-off around there.” he cautioned.

“Oh a drop-off aye?” I began, seeing a chance to tease him. “You mean around here?” I teased, nearing exactly where he didn’t want me to go in attempt to lure him into the water.

“Katlyn, yes around there. I’m not playing this game.” he replied with a smug grin.

I smiled in reply and began to walk closer to the drop-off. “You mean right about where this spo………..” I stated before falling below the surface. I felt like I was being drug down by the slow current as I fought to reach the surface that seemed to be growing further away from me. Suddenly I burst through the surface, expecting to see Ryan laughing at me, but seeing nothing, seeing no one. I quickly wiped my eyes of the water and threw my hair over my shoulders, noticing that day had turned to night, and fog had settled over the river.

“What’s going on?” I asked myself as I began to spin in circles in attempt to find my friends, parents, anyone.

“Hello?” I called. There was only the sound of a cricket chirping to reply.

“Run Run Run!” it seemed to say as it chirped. Suddenly there was a touch on my leg. I glanced down to see a snake circling my leg. I let out a loud, earsplitting scream before running to shore. She I reached it, I fell to my back, panting wildly.

Everything then became deathly silent, and I rose to my feet. The cricket then began to chirp again, but very softly.

“Hide Hide Hide!” it seemed to say. Ignoring it, I slowly began to walk up the hill to where are car was parked. When I reached it, I expected to see our car parked at the top, but was met with a far greater sight. On the other side of where the cars were parked, where a field once lay, about 2000 yards out was a large tower like object. It was glowing brightly, as if lit by a thousand suns. My hands then began to shake as the realization that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be hit me.

“Where am I?” I whimpered. Suddenly a thick whoosh behind me caught my attention. I turned, screaming at the massive creature moving toward me.

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