Chapter 7 - Not a joke anymore

Start from the beginning

"I needed a break, and I figured you could use one too," she said softly. Jamie got up, his knees cracking, and walk around the desk to meet Melissa on the other side.

"Oh thank you so much!" he said, stretching.

He then eagerly took the coffee, stirring it so it would cool down. Melissa drank from her cup, noticing the dark circles around Jamie's eyes. She had seen similar ones on her son's face. It made her wonder what the boys had been up to, although they had her trust, she couldn't help but deeply care for them. She was about to voice her concern when Jamie spoke, a sly smile on his face.

"So, has Scott told you about the new girl?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"No he hasn't!" Melissa answered, smiling at the teen's expression. "Should he have?"

"Well apparently he's going to Lydia's party with her later tonight..." Jamie explained, before taking a sip from his coffee -- it had finally reached a temperature suitable for drinking.

"Oh really! Well, young man, I'll be sure to ask him about her, then," the nurse exclaimed, her eyebrows rising slightly as she spoke. As much as she would have loved learning more, her coffee was now finished and she had patients to tend to. So, she gently squeezed Jamie's shoulder, "Thank you for that, I'll see you later."

"No problem," Jamie smiled, "And thanks again for the coffee!"

Melissa waved her arm in dismissal, it was nothing. She enjoyed the teen's company, in her opinion, Scott was happy to have him and Stiles as his friends. The three were inseparable. She had been scared they would drift apart after Jamie lost his family eight years ago, but more than anything, the ordeal had brought them closer. The same thing had happened after Stiles lost his mother. The way they were always here for each other warmed Melissa's heart. 

As she disappeared down a corridor, Jamie quickly finished his coffee and returned to his desk. Before getting back to work, he took a glance at his phone, checking for messages. As soon as the screen lit up, he did a double take on what was displayed. He had fourteen missed calls, all of them from Stiles. He decided to call his friend back, figuring it was important. Stiles answered almost immediately.

"Finally! I've been trying to reach you for hours!" Stiles exclaimed, sounding relieved.

"Yeah, I saw that. Sorry I didn't answer, I'm at work," Jamie apologized. "What's the matter?"

"You know yesterday, I told you that I would do some research to figure out what's happening to Scott?" Stiles explained rapidly, "Well I did it, and you're not gonna believe what I found!" 

Stiles didn't wait for his friend to answer as he launched himself in an unnecessarily complicated explanation, "I've been reading on lycanthropy, websites, books, all kinds of stuff, and I think I found something. I called Scott, he's coming to my place soon, and he needs to cancel the date."

"What? Stiles, slow down, what does any of this have to do with Allison?" Jamie was befuddled by his friend's words.

"She's a trigger, Jamie! Just like anger, on the lacrosse field!" Stiles kept going, losing Jamie completely.

"Listen Stiles, I trust you, okay? But right now I need to focus on work, will you be okay dealing with this on your own for now?"

"Yeah, sure," Stiles sighed, "Scott should be here any minute anyway."

"Okay, I'll see you at the party then," Jamie said before hanging up. He rubbed his eyes, still confused. Stiles sounded even more hyper than usual, he had probably taken more Adderall than he should have. However, he seemed convinced that Scott was a werewolf. Pushing the matter out of his head for now, Jamie dedicated himself to his work. This time he left his phone on his desk, just in case.

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