Chapter 4

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Just because I love stich.

Finally we were at the forest we went deeper and deeper into the forest.

"So finally can we kill you are just wasting our time" -Erica

Then I made a creepy smile.

"Ha how stupid can you get you think that I would let you kill me of all people I only said that so that I could get you here and kill you for what you have done to me and to everyone else"

"So what is that bag for"

Oh what I forgot about my bag.

"When I kill you I am leavening for ever never to be seen again"

That was the end of our little chat I got the knife out of my bag and let my ears and tail out. I had enough of them. Before I knew it I have killed all of them there heads where separated from their body's. I had blood all over me on my favourite dress and top. I was kind of sad.

"Wow she actually killed those kids and she has cat ears and tail" I heard a voice say.

"Well slender told us to find a new creepypast so she might do the job" Another voice said.

"Hey there kid you don't have a home do you so what about you join us the creepypastas we kill for a livening. Oh and I am Eyeless jack but call me Ej"

"Hi I am laughing jack but call me Lj"

"Follow us" -Ej

~20 min later~

We were in front of a mansion it looked old but fancy.

"Slendy we are back and we have a new creepypasta"

"Great let them in my office please" A male voice said that I think is Slendy.

I was led to an office by Ej and Lj.

"Hello my child I am slenderman but call me Slendy"

I nodded.

"May I ask your name"


"You will have a roommate because we have a lack of rooms and many people are already partnered up with someone as roommates and killing partners"

"Killing partners?"

"Since it is not safe to go alone killing we put you guys in partners in twos. I will call them down know"

I didn't hear him say anything but I heard footsteps coming towards the office.

"Toby this is Yui she will be your roommate and your killing partner"

When I heard that name I looked to my left and saw a familiar face. I started to cry.



I walked toward Toby. I start hitting him on the chest gently still crying.

"I thought you were gone dead. You idiot"

"I a-am s-sorry"

I hugged him.

"Don't do that ever again promise"

"P-promise b-but I t-thought t-that y-you w-would b-be m-mad a-at m-me"

"I am but I am just glad that you are alive"

"Wow I didn't know you tow knew each other well Toby can you show your roommate to the room. Oh and she is your partner" -Slendy

Toby graded my arm and took me to are room. It felt like the old times. Finally we went up stairs to a corridor full of doors then we went into a room that had two beds.

"T-this i-is a-are r-room"



"That day can you tell me what happened"

"A-after t-that a-accident m-my p-parents h-hated m-me t-treated m-me b-badly a-and I k-killed t-them a-and s-set t-the h-house o-on f-fire. I t-thought i-it w-would b-be b-better i-if y-you t-thought I w-was d-dead.

"Why would you think that you are my friend"

"I a-am s-sorry"

"It's all right I am going to sleep I am tiered"

~Next day in the morning~

"Y-Yui w-wake u-up"

"What... is... it... i am sleeping"

"S-Slendy w-wanted m-me t-to w-wake y-you u-up s-so t-that y-you c-can m-meat e-every o-one"

"Oh ok"

Toby left the room and I went to the toilet and then I got my clothes from my bag and went down stairs.

This is how you look after you went out of the bathroom.

This is how you look after you went out of the bathroom

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