Jungkook grabbed weapons and handed some to you and the others, "Alright, open the gate up Namjoon hyung."

"Y/n, you do it. You have the ring right?" Namjoon asked, you quietly nodded and approached the gate. "God, I'm really excited."

You looked at the ring and at the gate. It had this little round hole beside a thing, which looked like a scanner or something. Just like those things you see on movies.

Without hesitating, you pressed your hand against the lock, making sure that the ring fits perfectly. Then the scanner beside it started to turn in to a yellowish color, beeping and loading. Few seconds pass, it turned red and flashed numbers on the scanner. It also had a message.

"Access denied. Two more tries left."

"Excuse me but what the fuc-" You were cut off by Taehyung.

"Wait, why doesn't it work?" He told Namjoon. "What happens after two more tries?"

Namjoon scratched his head in confusion, "I don't know. Try it again y/n." You nodded and repeated the same thing you did last time. Unfortunately, it still didn't work.

"Access denied. One more try left."

"Try it again," Namjoon ordered, looking at the gate. You were about to do it one more time when Jungkook held your arm. Causing you to stop.

Jungkook shook his head in disagreement, "Give Namjoon the ring and let him unlock the gate. Maybe it has some face detection system."

"But didn't Namjoon tell us that it was a long time since he went here? How could this machine tell if he was the eight year old Namjoon back then?" Hoseok said.

"We've seen, heard, and experienced enough stuff. It's really not that impossible," Jungkook replied, you took off the ring and something suddenly left your body. Who knows what the heck that was.

Namjoon wore the ring and shrugged, "Okay then, let's see." He mumbled, doing the same thing that you did earlier. The scanner went yellowish again, beeping and buffering. For about five seconds, it turned green.

"Access accepted. Welcome back to the station."

"It worked!" Namjoon shouted. The white gate opened slowly, and what's inside was a hundred times better than the outside. It looked like a goddamn mansion- no, a palace.

There were paintings, and no, they were not hanging from the wall, the wall had paintings all over them, the wall was the canvas. Five gold chandeliers hanging from the top, like, it was twenty feet above your heads. Historical stuff were displayed, along with some short descriptions about them, when they discovered it, where they found it, and how it works.

You were completely overwhelmed in what you're seeing right now, it was amazing. You didn't know that scientists work inside a neat and awesome place. One thing caught your eye, and it was a sculpture inside a glass. It was a bit bigger than you but there was something odd about it.

"And here," Namjoon pointed a small cage. "I used to play with hamsters here back then, they were so cute," He giggled, telling Yoongi about the figure.

"Woah look!" Hoseok shouted, pointing up. "You see that thing up there? Is that a freaking pizza?! Oh my god! It's huge!"

Jin looked up too, his mouth dropped when he saw the gigantic pizza inside a glass frame. "It is a pizza! Woah, did they like- put some formula on that so it becomes big?"

"I'll put that formula on my dic-" Hoseok's eyes saw you again, making him stop. "I meant I'll put it on my food so that I could always be full," He smiled awkwardly.

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