Is It Bad That I Love Your Eyes?

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Hannah sits back down beside me and groans, "Are you calm now?" She looks at me and nods her head, "Yeah I'm calm, I wouldn't be so heated if it won't for her." Lily and Shane sit down in front of us. Lily gives Hannah a tight smile, "Well if people I don't like won't so close to my friends I wouldn't be so heated myself."

Hannah gives Lily the finger, "No, I rather I have some nerdy kid fuck me instead of you. Or worse turn gay before ever doing it with you."

"Lily!! That was so foul!!" We all look at a shock Quiet and a laughing Austin. "Lily you are one funny girl!" Austin gives Lily a high five and Shane glares at him.

"Is there a problem here?" We look over and see Megan looking at all of us with a smirk. I look over at Quiet and see her sitting down quickly and start playing with her hands.

Hannah smiles at her, "No nothing's going on. We're just talking." Megan looks at me and I sigh really loudly, "What are you doing here Megan?" Hannah hits me in the chest and glare at me, "I just came over here to talk to Hannah."

Mason scoffs and mumbles something under his breath, "What you need to do is go clean that white stuff off the corner of your lips." Megan quickly reaches for her lips and we all stare at her with wide eyes, "Oh My God! You just got done sucking some dick!!"

We all started laughing except for Hannah. "Hannah can you please come to the bathroom with me?!" Hannah stands up quickly and glares at me. I stop laughing and she kisses me on the lips, "I'll see you tonight!"

I wave at her as she and Megan rush out of the cafeteria. I look over at Mason and Lily and they both shrug their shoulders. We all start laughing, I look over at Quiet and see her laughing.

I can't believe Megan just got done doing that. "Mason, you talking about Lily? Why say that to Megan?!" Mason looks at me and laughs, "To be honest I thought I said it low enough to the point where I can only hear and no one else."

Him and Shane do a handshake and Lily and Quiet are still laughing while holding their stomachs.

After five minutes of laughter, I catch Matthew staring at Austin. We make eye contact with each other and he looks away and starts talking to his friends. I stand up and start walking over to his table.

"Matthew, can I talk to you?" Everybody at his table looks at me with wide eyes, "What does Ian Cooper want with Matthew?" Someone whispers, Matthew stands up and follows me outside of the cafeteria.

"What do you want to talk about?" I lean against the wall and look at him, "Why don't you give Austin a chance. He wants to get to know you." He groans and rubs his face, "I had to deal with Hazel this morning and now you for the afternoon."

I let out a soft laugh and he sits down in front of me, "Because I don't want him to go through hell when he is with me." I roll my eyes, "He's already out of the closet! He doesn't tell anyone unless the conversation comes up."

He looks at me with an arch eyebrow, "So you're telling me that he is out of the closet? You and your friends know he's gay? The whole entire baseball team knows he's gay?" I nod my head to each question, "Yes we all know! Now tell me the other reason why you won't talk to him."

He groans loudly and glares me, "I will talk to him tonight after the game. So can you please stop asking me about him?!" I show him a small smile, "That's all I was looking for. Oh and don't tell him that me and Quiet have been asking you about him. He told us that he wants to do it on his own."

He rolls his eyes and nods his head, "Okay I won't." Before I walked off I snap my fingers, "Oh and I also want you to come to my fight." He walks pass me and gives me a lazy wave, "I was going to go even if you didn't invite me."

I let out a soft laugh, "I better not catch you and Austin kissing at my fight!!" He turns to look at me quickly, "Shut up!! Don't scream that out loud!!" I start laughing and he rushes back to the cafeteria.

I walk in after him and go to sit back at the lunch table. "Where did you go?" I look at Austin and shrug my shoulders, "I had to go to the bathroom." I look over at Matthew table and he gives me the middle finger.

I start laughing and I look at Quiet, "I have a surprise for you tonight." She looks at me with an arch eyebrow, "What is it? Tell me." I shake my head and take a sip of my drink, "No! What's the point of a surprise if I tell you?!"

She crosses her arms and stands up, "Fine! Don't tell me then." Lily stands up with her and wraps her arms around Quiet neck and smile, "There's no need to be upset about it." Mason throws his arms over them and laughs, "You'll see what it is tonight."

Quiet shakes them off, "Y'all act like you know the surprise." They both shake their heads, "Oh we don't know, we just trying to get you to calm down about it." I roll my eyes at Mason and push him by his head.

"You're making it worse." Before we could walk any further Shane stops us, "We're not going back to class, I told our teachers that we have to get ready for the game. So let's go to the rooftop."

We all look at Shane as if he just grew two heads, "Cupcake give me the key or I'm carrying you there." Quiet rolls her eyes and start walking, "Let's go before I change my mind."

We all follow her and laugh, I look at Quiet back and smile to myself. I don't know why I was worried about her when Megan came to the table.

She hasn't had any text messages come in lately. She also has been smiling more often. I smile to myself, "Let's see how you'll be during the game tonight close to Megan all night."

Street Fighter and Quiet (BWWM)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora