Chapter 9

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He was in Kamiki Village. The final showdown with Yami was to take place in a tiny hamlet. He had destroyed half of the village. All of the villagers had got away, except one. Susano. He was battling it out with Yami. Susano held his golden sword and slashed it at the beast. I tried to help by using Power Slash, which I should not have done. Yami now knew there was a God in the area and a powerful one at that. He stopped rolling around and the Yami split open, revealing a glass ball with a fish inside. It scanned the area with an orange light.

I had been detected.

I could fell my power draining. My white mane and beautiful crimson red divine markings were beginning to fade. I felt ill. Very ill. My mane vanished, then my markings. I looked the same, when Sakuya first brought me back to deal with the evil. But this wasn't Yami's doing. It was the people's doing. All that praise that I had that powered me was disappearing. They were scared and thought that the Gods were not going to help. I was beginning to feel weak and Yami could sense this. All of the villagers, that I thought had ran away were hiding under one roof.

Yami began to charge up what robed me of my powers last time.

'Issun get the people of Kamiki Village to believe in me. And get Susan inside!'

"Susan!?" Issun laughed.

'What? That's what we called him whilst we were travelling together.'

"Yes I remember." he snickered.

Issun bounced off of my nose and hopped his way over to Susano. He spoke to Susano and they made their way inside. I could hear what Issun was saying inside.

"Why have you given up on the Gods?" he began.

"Their not coming to bless us with some divine miracle, Issun." said Mr. Orange.

"They might if you ask them." said Kushi.

"We've tried all of the brush Gods," Mr. Orange signed.

"What about Amaterasu?" said Susano.

"You mean Shiranui?" said Mrs. Orange.

"They are the same wolf!" said Issun firing up, "Let's just pray to her."

"What are we asking for?" asked Kushi.

"Um ... for her to come to your aid and to win this fight that she's about to begin."

"SHE'S OUTSIDE!" they all said as they dashed out to she the dazzling white wolf.

They all kept their distance from me and Yami. The villagers couldn't believe their eyes. Yami's dark energy was charged and he zapped me wit it. I had been hit. All of my brush techniques span into the air and went into Yami. I was powerless and I looked like a normal white wolf.

The fight had begun.

(Insert Yami Battle music)

I hit him with tooth and claw, until he gave me back my power of Rejuvenation. I rejuvenated the buildings that Yami had destroyed. Yami realised some missiles into the air. I dodged them and hit him with the Solar Flare. Some razors appeared, he came towards me with them, I dodged them as well. Then hitting him another six times, before he let go of my Power Slash. I slashed him, which did a bit of damage. He tried attacking me with two razor blades. I dodged out of the way and attacked him again. Then he realised my Greenspout and I drew a circle around him revealing the ball with the fish inside. I attack the fish, but Yami closed back up, so I had to move. He didn't look happy. Even though he has a smile plastered onto his face. I attacked him for the last time, before he lit up in a black aura and changed his appearance.

He was now a green ball that could split into different layers. He lit himself a blaze and tried to tackle into me. I dodged out of the way and attacked him once more. He released my power of Cherry Bomb. I drew a Cherry Bomb and Yami exploded. The fish appeared again, but this time on stairs that were the remains of Yami. I climbed up them and hit the fish, several times. Yami put himself back together and retaliated with a fiery dish. I tried to dodge it, but it skimmed my tail and the beautiful white tips had been singed. He realised the Waterspout technique and then lit a blaze once again. I used the water from the river to put Yami's fire out. Then I blew him up, revealing the fish. I attacked it, blew it up and slashed it. Yami pulled himself back together again and hit me with a flaming dish. I used Waterspout and then Cherry Bomb. The fish was back on the stairs, I climbed up to it and attacked it. He realised the Crescent technique and I drew a backwards C in the sky. A giant ghost of Nagi appeared and sliced Yami into two. With the fish still in-tacked and in the middle of the two halves. I attacked it again and Yami shone in the black aura.

He was a blue and had three spinning slots. Like a Jackpot slot machine that you get in arcades. He span the three slots around and I Power Slashed them. Fire, meteors and bombs. I dodged the fire. Power Slashed the meteors back at Yami and dodged the bombs. They span gain. I Power Slashed them. Three fishes. Yami crashed to the ground and I obtained the Galestorm technique back. Yami spat out fire from the bottom of the middle slot. I used Galestorm to blow the fire away. Yami levitated back into the air and the slots began to spin. I Power Slashed them. Lightning cloud, ice balls and more fire. I used Galestorm fore the cloud and the fire. I had to Power Slash the ice balls back at Yami. He span the slots again and I slashed them again. Three fish. Yami hit the floor again, but this time two of my brush techniques slipped from his grasp. Inferno and Veil of Mist. Yami surrounded himself in the black aura.

He was now a yellow ball with legs and whip like arms. He fired missiles at me, but I slashed them back at him. An orange beam was fired, I dodged it. I attacked the fish that was showing, whilst he was down. Yami began to glow a dark red, like he was angry and two more of my brush techniques slipped away from him. Catwalk and Thunderstorm. He raised his whip arms into the air like a lightning rod. I used the lightning from the clouds the Gekigami had blessed me with. They had appeared in the sky not five minutes ago. Yami was zapped by the lightning and the Blizzard technique had been realised. I had fourteen of my brush techniques back, but I know he will refuse to give back Sunrise. I gave him the last big jolt that I needed to send him on the ground. Yami didn't move. His bright yellow and red patterns had gone off, like a light had just been switched off.

The villagers cheered, they thought that I had won this battle. Issun bounced up onto my nose.

"Well done ya big furball."

'Don't call me that!'

"Oh ya I forgot, sorry. Have you got all of your techniques back yet?"

'No, he still has Sunrise. But he's not gone Issun.'

"What!?" said Issun.

Suddenly Yami picked me up using his whip like arms. He pushed dark energy into my body and all of my brush techniques were gone again. He threw me away like a piece of rubbish.

"AMMY!" screamed Issun.

Yami's body was surrounded in the black aura again. He transformed into a red ball with a massive hand attacked to it.

"Oh my God." Issun said bouncing to my side.

The ill feeling had returned back to my and I fell on the floor. I felt like I was dying. I was ready to close my eyes and let the darkness of death take me.

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