Chapter 3

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I bolted back to the village, that was in desperate need of the darkness being lifted off of it. I drew a circle in the darkened sky, that summoned the sun to come back and the sun chased the darkness away. The sunshine made the village come back into the light of life that was ahead. Now my work was done here in the Kamiki village. The beauty of the village had been restored back to the village, so I ran on to the Shinshu Field where there maybe more evil dwelling, but before I left there was another conciliation. I rejuvenated the missing stars and the pattern came to life. This time it was a little monkey with pipes, known as Hasugami. One of the Hanagami trio of the brush stroke group called greenspout.

"O, great and powerful mother to us all, Amaterasu. I have got the message that you have lost the power of Water Lilly."

'Oh yes and I would like that power back if you don't mind.'

"Why would I mind?"

'I thought you didn't like me, or is that the one with the symbols?'

"More than likely. Now I will grant you your power back."

The monkey begun to glow, just like the rat did and I felt Water Lilly's power surge through me. The monkey went back to being a pattern in the sky and now I could continue onto Shinshu Field

Strangely, Shinshu Field wasn't affected by the same darkness that was affecting Kamiki, but in fact there was no sign of any evil present in the humongous area. The field was quiet and still, but I sensed a bizarre creature.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a humongous roar coming from the Agenta Forest. It was weird I've heard that roar before.

"What was that, Ammy?" I felt Issun shaking on my head.

'A big foe.'

"Oh ... Where to now then Ammy?"

'To where we found Cherry Bomb.'

"But we found that brush stroke in Shinshu Field, which is where we are now."

'No, I didn't know you were the new Sherlock!'

"Sorry! Miss bossy!" Issun replied, "Where are all the stars gone?"

He was right, how are we supposed to make a conciliation without any stars? And we can't do what I did last time, I don't think Galestorm will cut it. I walked over to the Guardian Sappling, that was already in bloom, but the river that surrounded it had dried up.

There was a woman blindly looking and puzzling where all of the water had disappeared.

"Hey babe! What 'appened?" said Issun.

"There was a giant heat wave a few days ago and now the river had dried up." said the woman, "Hi Snowy." she stroked my head.

'Hi Kushi.' I barked the syllables.

"If it's not a bother could you help me out?" she said.

"Sure sweetheart, what do ya doin'?" said Issun.

I begun to sniff on the ground were the river had dried up. I smelt an area of purity from the ground, so I started to dig at the area.

I dug down quite deep, before hitting a massive guiser of spring water. The water filled up the river very quickly. Now the Kamiki village could be supplied with fresh water. I swam back onto the back and Kushi began to stroke me.

"Thank you, Snowy. Now I can take my bath." she said.

I walked off after the word 'bath.'

Coming out from the discoloured sky, little bright lights appeared, they looked like little white snowdrops in the dark obits.

"Ammy, look the stars are back!"

'No, I didn't see that.'


The patterned stars begun to shine like diamonds and I poked in the missing stars to force the God of explosions, Bakugami or Bacon as I call him to appear.

"O, great and powerful mother to us all, Amaterasu. You have returned onto this plain in your most noblest form. What seems to be the problem? O, great and beautiful wolf."

'Well Bacon er ... Bakugami, I have lost your Cherry Bomb brush stroke.'

"Oh ... Well I shall give you back that power."

I felt the presents of the old ability, Cherry Bomb run through me.

"Hang on, did you just call me Bacon?"



'Goodbye, Bacon.'

I thought I heard him say some kind of come back, but the summoning stopped and he disappeared.

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