Chapter 6

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Yes, Oki was Chibiterasu's father. It happened so fast and it was the last thing I did for him, before I defeated Yami. But that shadowy figure looked like Orochi, so that eight-headed serpent had returned for the third time.

'I'm getting sick of this douche bag threatening Nippon all the time. Can't we just have a break from him?'

"Its not just Orochi that has returned. Somehow the giant female false god is back." said Oki looking into the once blackened sky.

"Ninetails?" said Issun.

'Ninetails is female? But she refers herself to a Lord.'

"That's so Orochi and Yami get confused, but all of the spirits that she has consumed to have nine tails were a beautiful maidens and she can only engulf maidens." said Waka.


'Yes, cool.'

"Now make like a tree and leave, you half-bit profit." Issun was fuming again.

"Fine I will leave, but I will leave you with a little prophecy. Little ones can be very handy. Goodbye Amaterasu." Waka flew away on his hair like a butterfly.

"Did anyone understand what he said?" said Oki.

'No, we will have to figure it out. Like we all ways have to.'

"'Little ones.' You don't think he was talking about Chibi do you, Ammy?" said Oki stroking my fur.

'Maybe, you might be onto something Oki.'

'So he's saying that I'm useful.'

'Well, I'm not too sure about that one.'


Suddenly, I heard the sound of a dog coming from the Deep Obits. I dashed over there and the Chibi followed, but Oki ran back off into the mountains. He maybe returning to his village to warn the other members of the Onia tribe about the threat that is going to arise. It was Ume, Kokari's pinky coloured dog.


I jumped into the obits and swam towards the drowning dog, when I pulled the dog out of the water there was a chain attached to Ume's ankle. On the other end of the chain was a heavy weight.

"What the hell!?" said Issun.

"A monster did this to Ume, but it ran off into the mountains and I haven't seen it since."

"Kokari, how long had Ume been into water?" Issun was concerned.

"An hour." he said with the hit of sadness in his voice.

"Don't cry your a man now, Ume's safe ok."

"Let's go Ume." said Kokari.

The old and tired Ume lopped behind Kokari.

'I'm to old for his game.' Ume said.

Suddenly, the patterned stars appeared in the sky above the obits. I drew in the missing stars and the pattern came to life, as the rabbit Yumigami.

"O great and powerful mother to us all, Amaterasu. I understand that I need to reteach you the brush skill of Crescent. I shall give you back this power, but only if you keep your watchful and almighty eye on Oki."


"You remember what happened last time with the two demon owls. Your past self nearly died."


"Keep watch."

'You just don't trust Oki.'

"Well of course I don't, he's the reason why Chibiterasu is here."

'You blame him for my little Chibi. I have everything to do with it you know.'

"Yer, I know. Just take the Crescent ability before I beat you with my hammer."

I felt the power of the moon go through me and I had the power to turn day into night with a backwards C.

I now understood what evil faced me. The fact that Oki came all the way down from the mountains proves that Nippon is once again in danger. A Oina tribal member, would only come down from the Kamui if evil was threatening another region. They don't appear when Orochi arose because the tribe members were dealing with the twin demons, Nechku and Lechku. The Oina tribe members can sense when something bad is going to happen, long before it does. They say 'it's a gut feeling.' Most of them say this, even their leader, Samickle.(google his name) So Oki knew that the Spider Queen and the Crimson Helm were lurking in the ruins and he came to help. He knew that I didn't need his help fighting the Spider Queen, but I find it strange that he came into help at the moment I lost my power, with little Chibi and I still don't know why he had Chibi with him. My little puppy should have came back to the Celestial Plain after his little adventure, but no he didn't. I suppose after he banish the evil that was on the mortal plain, he most likely fell in love with its natural beauty.

Poor little Chibi had only just realised that Oki left and he began to get a bit worried.

'Has father gone back up to the mountains.'


'Well that reunion was short lived.'

'He'll come back, he always does.'

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