Chapter 7

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I know what I had to do now and I'm aware of the evil that was arising. Orochi and Ninetails. They have never teamed up before, but why. Maybe to bring back their master, Yami. After what I went through last time fighting him, I don't think I would survive battling against him a second time. I may be a Goddess and all, but Yami's power surpasses even my power. No God could face him without a giant struggle, also the fact that he takes away your power is another issue.

"What's the plan then boss?" asked Issun bouncing.

'Kill Orochi, then Ninetails and stop Yami from coming back.'

"So its to the Moon Cave then? Are you sure that little Chibi can handle this?"

'What?! Who do you think I am Issun. I'm the son of Amaterasu, the great God of every being here. I think I can handle a eight-headed serpent.'

'You take out four and I take out four?'

'Deal mum.'

As we ran down to the Moon Cave from Shinshu field a thought came to my mind. Ever since Waka brought the Ark of Yamato to the Celestial Plain, there has always been evil dwelling in Nippon. Even after I disposed of Yami and returned. There will still always be evil as long as there is a good force to counteract that evil.

Suddenly, a bizarre mist appeared and it broke my concentration.

The sky quickly little up with patterned stars, but one was missing. I drew in the missing star and the picture came to live. Revealing the God of mist, the sheep, Kasugami. This massive sheep is always drunk of sake, all the time. I don't this this sheep will ever stop drinking.

'Oh great mother to all, Amaterasu. Why *hiccup* have you come and *hiccup* summoned me.'

'Well you great massive sheep, I have lost the Veil Of Mist power. May you return my power back to me.'

'*hiccup* Sure.'

The kind sheep, who may have been sober for the first in his life, gave me back my power of slowing down time.

The entrance to the Moon Cave was dark and dreary. Poor little Chibi was scared on the inside, but he was ready for whatever faced him. The stairs leading to Orochi's lair had been fixed, so we didn't need to mingle with Orochi's Imps to get to his lair.

The battle field was quiet and lacked any evil presents inside of his lair, but the floor began to shack and crack.

Bursting through the gaps were the eight-heads of Orochi. The throw out a tremendous roar into the night sky. This is going to be a little bit tricky. Without Susano there's going to be nobody to chop off the heads and deliver the final blow to the dragon. I guess we will have to try our hardest, I'm sure a Power Slash should do the trick.

"Why have returned to my lair of solitude, Amaterasu?" said the fire head proudly.

'Because you deserve to stay in the fiery hell of were once you came and so you shall stay.'

"Cocky and annoyed. Oh and you have a little one.'" said the poison head.

The electric head had a confused look on his face, but he's always confused.

'Are we here to fight or chitchat?'

(Insert Battle of Orochi 2)

All of the heads growled and roared in anger.

The bell on Orochi body wasn't lit in a scorching flame, we only needed to knock three heads unconscious to reach up to the bell and Power Slash it. Well that's what we need to do, Orochi may see what we're trying to do and stop us. I started of with the flame head, while Chibi tried to take down the electric head.

The flame head began by spitting out fire from the mouth. I used Galestorm to blow away the fire. This annoyed the head and it let out a loud roar. Quickly, I used Rejuvenation to make the eight purification sake return back into the sacred pool. I made the water come up like a vine using Waterspout, to force the head to drink the sake. I did this again and the fire head was down. Chibiterasu had knocked the electric head out and together we made the light head fall unconscious as well and the rest of them.

Suddenly, whist all of the heads were asleep, the patterned stars appeared again. Quickly, I drew in the missing stars and the stars showed the figure of the God of flames, Moegami.

'Oh great and powerful mother to us all, Amaterasu. I see that my fiery blaze did not stay with you.'

'Yes, now can I cave you cool flames back?'

'Hay! My flames are not cool. They are as hot as how the sun burns away at everything.'

As conciliation had ended, I realised that I left poor Chibi to Power Slash away at the bell on Orochi's body. I pitched in to help using my Power Slash and the bell lit a blaze. Orochi woke and the fight continued.

Now this is the part that I like, beating Orochi to death. We made quick work of the fire and the electric heads, so they were out of the way. I also Power Slashed the light head until he fell, whist Chibi did the same to the dark head.

Eventually, all Orochi's heads fell to the ground, but I don't how we were going to deliver the final blow to Orochi.

"I shall once again cut you to hell, vile serpent." said a voice.

"It can't be." said Issun.

But it was ... Susano. Orochi raised his head to see the brave warrior.

"You shall be terminated, foul beast."

Susano held his sword up to the sky and I howled, quickly using Crescent to summon the moon. Susano's sword shone with golden light. He launched with all his might, at the electric head with his golden sword.

"Better give him some help you to." said Issun.

With the combined power of Susano, Chibi and me. We beheaded each and every one of Orochi's heads.

"Well done pops."

"Ha ha ha ha ... Wait fido you got a kid. Wow, I'm calling you fido junior. Well I better be getting back to Kushi and my son."

"Wow, you had a kid too?" said Issun.


"How did you know Orochi was back?"

"Kushi saw the shadow at Agata Forest. She thought that my worst nightmare made returned. I need to get going so ... bye fido."

I don't think I will ever see Susano again.

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