Chapter 1

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Many months later ....

The air was heavy upon the Kamiki Village and the place was quieter than a mouse. Normally the village is full of happiness and innocence, but the village has an evil cloud over it. The sky was very dark and it swirled with black poisoned clouds. This village, this world needed the help of the Gods again. Yes again, for the third time. First with Shiranui (really me), then the eight headed douche bag arose again, so I had to kill him, again. Now some other random evil threatens Nippon and I'm the one that has to save it, again.

The wood sprite, Sakuya sat on a sacred prayer mat, that could only be used by special people in great emergencies.

"O great and powerful Amaterasu, will you shine your divine light like a beacon of hope for the people on this world and banish the evil that lurks. I summon thee, Okami Amaterasu onto this world from the Celestial Plains, come forth with your God almighty beauty and power." she chanted into the sky.

There was a bright white light that shone in front of Sakuya and I appeared from the holy light.

'What's up Sakuya?'

"I believe that an evil threatens Nippon."

'How do you know this?'

"Remember Oki?"


"I saw him a few weeks back."


"Well you know that seeing one of the Onia tribe down here means that there's great evil stirring somewhere in Nippon."


"And looked who I found."


She pulled out a little green bug type thing, which is known as a Poncle.

"Hey ya Ammy!" he said.

'Issun! Good to see you again.'

"And you too, so how 'ave ya bin."

'All good, the Celestial Plains have been cleaned up from what happened with Orochi attacking the plain.'

"So ya got your home back?" he said.


"You've changed Ammy." he said.

'This is what I look like at full pelt.'

"You look like Shiranui."

'I know, Issun, did Sakuya tell you that she saw Oki around Kamiki?'

"What? Oki? 'Round here?" he sounded distressed.

"It's true Issun. A couple of villages have see a dark blue wolf patrolling the village borders. One said that he was watching or waiting for something." she said.

"Right, I hope that I don't see him." he said.

'That's not nice, Oki is a good wolf-human thing.'

"He may be a good person, but he nearly got himself killed by Orochi and set us one hundred years into the past before, Nagi and Shiranui defeated him."

'You know that me and Shiranui are the same wolf?'

"Yes I know." he said.

"I must warn you Amaterasu, you don't have all of your powers." she explained.

'Then how come I look like Shiranui?'

"Because people still believe in you, so this is your Holy Form or something like that." she said.

'So what powers have I lost?'

"From your thirteen-"

'Fifteen! There's fifteen brush strokes.'

"Fine. From your fifteen brush strokes you have lost are; Power Slash, Cherry Bomb, Water Lilly, Vine, Crescent, Inferno, Veil Of Mist and Thunderstorm. You still have; Sunrise, Rejuvenation, Bloom, Waterspout, Galestorm, Catwalk and Blizzard." she finished her explanation.

'So I have to conciliate all of those Gods again?'

"Yes Amaterasu, yes you do." she said with a smile.

'Damn it!'

With out another word, Sakuya left me and Issun to find this evil that was apparently a threat.

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