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A middle aged man walked up to the resting places of two out of the three, most vile monsters in all of Nippon. This man was very stupid and he didn't really understand why these two were so bad, but the man was half demon, so what would you expect. The two monsters were calling every demon in the whole world to help with this ceremony. There were seventeen maidens that were required for the ceremony to take place.

One by once the maidens were stabbed and there blood drained onto the ceremonial blankets. One demon brought something from each element, fire, water, earth, an electric rod, snake venom, it was dark as well (shadow element) and there was a strong wind blowing as well (wind element), he also brought a lantern (light element). The demons danced around the elemental offerings, until they begun to glow with a blackened light. The offerings flew up into the air and the summoning was complete. The huge, vile creature stood in hatred for the demons, but he knew he had to get back his watcher and best friend back. The creature let out a loud terrible roar and then spat out blistering hot flames at the dead bodies of the maidens. Little blue balls swirled in one area of the sky, but there was only seventeen though.

"Why is there only seventeen?" asked the beast.

"Sorry my lord, but the eighteen got away." said a demon.

The beast let out an angry and frustrated roar.

"Then find her! What are you all? A bunch of gormless idiots?"

"Yes master." said the demons.

The demons found the eighteenth maiden in twenty minutes. She was hiding in a small cave, that was still near the Moon Cave. One of the Red Imps stabbed the young maiden in the side and as her crimson blood leaked out of her gorgeous body, the scenery around the Moon Cave became cursed and poisoned. The beast spat fire for the last time on the single maiden and her spirit went like the others and they all finally begun to glow a misty blueish colour and another creature was summoned.

"Finally." said the second beast.

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