I park on the street and run to the woods. I push past some bushes and branches and it opens up my favorte place besides my dads gravestone to go to.

This place has a waterfall and it was beautiful. It was my thinking spot. No one ever comes here besides me. I remember as a kid I came here to think a lot. I randomly came across this place one day while biking.

I sit in the grass next to the waterfall and I pour my hear out. I started crying and I mean hard.

My phone started buzzing about 20 minuts later and I look at it. It's from my uncle.

How'd it go? - BUE (Best Uncle Ever)

It went. - Me

Tell the truth. - BUE

She started crying before I could even start, and then I accidentally said I loved her and then she looked at me confused and a tear rolled down my cheek so I ran off. - Me

Where are you right now? Are you safe? - BUE

Yes I am safe, I will be home later. - Me

Okay bye, stay safe. - BUE

Thanks I will. - Me

With that I sat there and admired my surroundings.

My phone started going off and I look down at the Caller ID and see that it is Alex. After debating for a while I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Don't hello me, where did you go!" She yells into the phone.

"Somewhere." I say.

"Tell me right now, are you safe?" She asks.

"Why do you care? All I have done to you is bad." I say.

"Because I care about people that mean a lot to me." She responds.

"I don't deserve this." I tell her.

"Well I don't deserve anything, so we are on the same page here." She says.

"Don't say that, you deserve the whole world, but I haven't been able to give you anything besides hell." I say.

"Just come back over please, you have a lot of explaining to do!" She says.

"Fine, I am coming." I say.

"Good now bye." She says.

"Bye." I respond and then she cuts the call.

I get up and start walking to my car pushing past branches and bushes again. I get in my car and drive towards her house.

I get there and ring the doorbell and she immediately opens the door and looks at me dead in the eye. If looks could kill, I would be 20 feet under right now.

"I'm sorr-" I start but once again, she cuts my off.

"Don't you dare say sorry again, this is your last chance, now explain." She says when we reach the living room.

"Okay." I say.

"Now, no running away and I don't care if you cry." She says.

"Where do I start?" I ask.

"Since we first met." She responds.

"Well then, the first day we met, in the halls with Jordyn, when you asked where the office was." I start and she nods.

"I thought you were really pretty and like no one else. I thought that you would be someone really fun to hangout with." I say and she blushes.

"When we went to your house for the first time, the day I said I was gay." She nods.

"Well I should start off saying I am not really gay." I say and look down at my hands and then I see a wet spot on my hand and then I could tell I started crying.

Alex put her hand in my hand and then I look up at her.

"Continue, I am listening." She says.

"I-I really wanted to spend more time with you and I blurted out I was gay, I tried to explain I wasn't but then you cut me off saying it was okay and that you didn't like me any less. I actually felt wanted for once and you seemed happy so I didn't want to tell you the truth. I-I am really sorry and since that day I have been feeling really guilty." I finish and sart crying a little more.

"Oh my god! This is all my fault! I knew it! I should be the one saying sorry! I shouldn't have cut you off that day!" She says and starts crying.

"No this is not your fault! It's mine!" I say.

"It's no ones fault." She says. I nod liking that answer.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks and I nod.

"Why is your uncle at your house? Why when I went over there did I not see our mom or dad?" She asked and then I really started crying but I tried so hard not to. I want to tell her the truth.

"I-I am sorry, you don't have to answer." She said.

"I want to." I say. She nods.

"So, my dad died when I was very young. My mom has been around helping the family out. She works a lot. My uncle has been there helping around the house, he was really close to my dad so I already saw him a lot, he comes over when I really need him and we just talk, me and him are really close." I explain.

Alex immediately hugged me saying sorry. I then continue.

"What happened was my dad was driving with my mom in the passengers seat and me in the back. I was playing with my dinosaur that I had just gotten and all the sudden a car hit my dads side. The airbag came out and my dad died on the spot. My mom was in critical condition and I was still okay enough to get out of the car with my mom and call for help. She fell to her knees after calling for help and couldn't speak, I think it hurt for her to move or do anything. Ambulance came and I told them my mom was hurt and my dad was dead. I ran over to a police man and told him everything. There were a lot of cops both boys and girls and everyone that saw the accident was seeing if I was okay." I finished before I started crying again.

I look at Alex and she was crying and shocked.

"Yeah, my mom is my superhero, she saved me." I say.

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