Everything is Blue -5-

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Spoilers for Season 3-4.
Just a warning :)

The Red Lion was a bit more difficult to pilot than the Blue Lion. Not because of the different lay out for the controls, although that did play a part. It wasn't the lighting, but it did distract him sometimes.

No, that wasn't the problem.

The problem accepting the change. It was a big thing that he's always feared-- having even Blue rejecting him. Not it was reality.
He didn't even blame Allura, he didn't blame Shiro for disappearing, how could he? Keith was basically destined to become leader someday, a basic shoe-in!

That was another complication. Lance couldn't blame anyone but himself for what he was feeling. Insecurities, fear, the whole lot of it.

He was constantly calling out to Blue, smiling just thinking about the conversations they'd exchange. He loved it, the fact that they didn't actually speak in real words- languages here didn't matter. Cat or human.
It was feelings. They'd express how one was feeling through imagining colors. Depending on the color, they'd know.

Right now, as usual, he was feeling a bit blue.

Maybe Red was different, but he still knew he would have to get over himself one day. Colors were out of the picture. So he tried the other option. The harder one.
"I'm not okay, and I know that this is stupid. But please listen?"

No response. At least not one he could feel or see.

For the first time in days he felt a bit lighter. It wouldn't last, but he would get through this. He had to-- for his family, his friends, their future.

His own fortune, because damn it, he would get through this!

"I'm just feeling kinda down, you know?" With each word that fell from his lips, he grew more confident, angry. This was wrong.

"I hate it!" A punch to the control panel between a lever and a few buttons.

He saw a color he'd grown familiar with, one he both loved and despised.

Blue. This one wasn't sad. Not pitying or sympathizing.

Empowering. Telling him he could get through this and become as beautiful and gentle, yet strong as the sea.

Red was trying to make him better.

"Thank you."

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