12| chapter 12

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The party lasted deep into the night. After rounds of baby presents that left blue and pink wrapping paper littered around the room, my mother excused herself and came back with a tray full of empty glasses in one hand, and two pitchers in the other.

I watched as my mother handed a glass to everyone, including me. I got a whiff of alcohol as she set the pitchers onto the table. Shigeo and my father made sounds of approval. One pitcher was full with some kind of cocktail mix, and the other with apple juice. For once I was happy with a decision made by my mother. At least there was something for Kotoko and Yuuki to drink.

"I think cheers are in order!" My father hummed happily across the table. He reached over for the cocktail pitcher, but pulled back as someone else grabbed it.

Kotoko was pouring her glass to the brim with it, and my nostrils flared as the alcohol stung my nose. My temper reached a new limit.

I couldn't believe how angry I was. A hot rush surged through my body. Was she really that stupid? I just couldn't stay quiet.

"Don't drink that," I seethed angrily, unable to control the loudness of my voice. "How could you be so careless? You're responsible for another person now... have some consideration!"

As soon as I said it, I wished I hadn't. Even I knew how hurtful the words sounded, but it was too late.

My mom's knees loudly slammed into the table as she stood up. She furiously shouted "Onii-chan!", and stared at me with absolute shock, clearly at my outburst.

Little did she know I felt the same way.

Just for a moment, it was quiet. So silent that I could hear Kotoko swallow back a lump in her throat.

"Don't worry, Oba-sama. Irie-kun is right."

Her voice was so sad, so crumpled. A part of me was convinced that she really thought it was true.

She put on a reassuring smile for everyone for a few seconds, like she always did. But gravity seemed to drag it back down like a crumbling bridge. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor. The liveliness I'd come to know so well was replaced with disappointment. Disgust with herself.

"I forgot that drinking would be bad for the baby... it was so thoughtless of me." She tried to give another smile but it fizzled before it even became noticeable. "I could've really hurt it if Irie-kun hadn't caught me. My own carelessness scares me sometimes..."

Why couldn't I just have kept my temper in check? Sure, it would've been bad if Kotoko had drunk such a huge glass of alcohol, but I reminded myself that she only just found out she was pregnant earlier today. I was used to her being not so aware of herself most of the time, so why did I expect something different? Why did I let myself get so angry with her when I knew how hurt she'd be?

No, Kotoko, I wanted to yell out loud. Grab her by the arms and shake the life back into her.

For a moment, everyone was silent. Kotoko studied the floor. Just for a second I thought I saw a tear plop down onto the carpet, but it was so quick that I wondered if I'd imagined it.

"I'm feeling kind of tired, it's been such an eventful day..." Kotoko looked up at everyone and for the first time since I met her, it looked like it hurt her to smile.

"Arigato, everyone, for throwing us such a great party... but I think I'm going to bed."



Everyone nodded encouragingly as she stood up and solemnly dragged her feet towards the hallway.

And with that, she left me alone again with my invading thoughts. Words I wanted to tell her but probably never would.

And words that I knew I would have to.

Itazura Na Kiss: Love in Tokyo 3 - Hello, Baby!Where stories live. Discover now