"Let's just try to ignore our snapchats and instagrams for an hour so we can get through this class, okay? It's not that hard." he complained. It was clear he was tired of this shithole, and Elena didn't blame him. She didn't exactly enjoy seeing those morons every day either.

Mr.Johnson looked over at Elena with a very tired expression. It also seemed like he had another date with his true love Jack Daniel's last night.

"Elena, Miss Fuller wants you in her office. Apparently you have been excused from class, lucky bastard." he whispered at the end while shaking his head. Elena threw her head back while rolling her eyes. What boring shit did she want her to do a report on this time, she thought.

Even though everyone at the school hated Elena, they liked her writing, they just didn't know it. The reason for this was after Miss Fuller, or Lilly as Elena called her, read one of Elena's reports, she made her do stories and interviews for the school newspaper. But Elena knew no one liked her so she agreed only if her name was kept anonymous. And everyone loved it, but had they only known who was the person behind everything. Oh, the irony.

Elena forced herself up from the chair and walked out of the classroom without looking back. The popular girls threw more words her way, but she just ignored them. As she was walking against the office she noticed a boy and a girl who was obviously skipping class to make out in the hallway. They looked so happy, she thought. Just the way the girl giggled as he made his way to her ear to nibble on it, it was so pure. Elena looked down minding her own business while passing them quietly. Love was a thing she never really understood. No one had even loved her and she had never loved anyone. It might sound harsh, but it was true. Even though the thought of someone holding you at night and telling you they loved you everyday seemed nice. But being as different from all the others as she was and not really having any friends, besides Alex, she had given up on that thought a long time ago.

She made it to the office where she stopped by the door. As soon as she knocked she could hear Lilly shouting from inside, "Come in!" Elena opened the door and peeked her head inside to see Lilly at the computer with a smile on her always so happy face.

"Elena! So good to see you. Please, have a seat." she said while pulling the chair out for her, "I think I have something that I think will really interest you."

Elena raised an eyebrow looking doubtful as she sat down on the chair and crossed her arms. For a few years, Lilly had encouraged Elena to become a reporter because of her being such a good writer and having a very special personality. Her goal was to help her become so good that one day she could work in the Gotham Gazette. Elena knew that would never happen, of course, but it still made her feel like someone actually believed in her, even though Lilly was just her teacher.

"Soo, I know I haven't really given you good stories to report on, but I promise you this is something else!" Lilly said sounding excited, but Elena couldn't help but being sceptic. So far she had only gotten to do reports on high school drama and or how much the cafeteria food sucked. Like who cares about that? She wanted excitement and mysteries.

"Okay, so I talked to Eric about something." Lilly said and glanced up at Elena.

Uh oh..

Eric was Lilly's fiancé, but he was also a police officer that Elena had been involved with a lot of times, to say the least. So as soon as Lilly mentioned him Elena's eyes got wide as she figured she'd been caught doing something again.

"What..it wasn't me! Even though I have no clue what you are talking about, but I'm innocent!" Elena defended herself. Lilly laughed in amusement and slightly shook her head.

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