Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Christmas passed by with unbearable slowness. All I wanted was to get away. People were being so cruel... starting awful rumors, saying mean things, turning people against me. It had come to the point that I only saw Rachel and John. I didn’t go anywhere except if I was with them. I could tell they were concerned about me, but I didn’t tell them anything about what was going on. Even Tay didn’t know about it. Sometimes I would let a few things slip, but he would get so worried, I would pull back. I was counting the days until I could leave.

It was New Year’s Eve. I was driving to John’s house for a party to welcome in 2012. My mood was fragile, and I felt like I absolutely couldn’t smile. I knew I’d have to since basically everyone I was friends with would be there, but I didn’t know if I’d be able to pull it off.
I’ll call John and tell him, I thought. The phone rang a few times before his deep voice answered, “Bonsoir, petite fille.”
I rolled my eyes at his French greeting. He always made a point to answer the phone in an odd manner each time I called him. “Hey, you idiot,” I teased.
“Je proteste!” he said, indignantly.
“Look... Happy Hannah is not going to be in attendance tonight... Can you cover for me? Like, make sure no one notices?” I pleaded.
“What’s wrong?” he said, immediately sobering.
“Just... it’s nothing, okay, I just need you to help me,” I said softly.
“Of course I will, but what’s the matter?” he asked again.
“I.. Well a couple of the people that will be at your house tonight... they haven’t been nice to me,” I said hesitantly, and not quite truthfully. Over half the girls hated me, and three of the boys were almost as bad as the girls were about starting rumors.
“What did they do,” he growled, instantly in protective mode.
“Oh not much...” I said slowly.
“Rose Hannah Murray!”
“Ooh, full name. I’m so intimidated,” I teased.
“I’m serious.”
“Obviously, John Spencer Garrett.”
“Hannah. For real, what did they did do to you?”
“Just said some nasty things to me and talked about me behind my back and a couple of them called me a bitch and said I was obsessed with you and that I didn’t need to exist.”
I told him everyone who had.
“Hannah, that’s like half the people there...” he said, sadly.
“I know! That’s why I need you to cover for me!” I exclaimed.
“You could have told me,” he chided gently. “You didn’t have to come...”
“I wanted to. No way are those jerks cheating me out of a party at my twin’s house,” I said fiercely.
“You’re awesome, girl! I got your back. I always do!” he encouraged.
“I know. I’m almost here. See you in a minute!”
“Okay peace!”
I drove into his driveway, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. This wasn’t going to be the easiest thing I had ever done.

I walked up to John’s door and he let me in, giving me a hug. I took a deep breath and walked into the family room where everyone was, trying not to be noticed. No such luck. Everyone looked at me. Some of them looked away in disgust, others raised their eyebrows at me. Only a handful actually smiled. I felt John’s hand on the small of my back. He guided me into the kitchen where the rest of his family was. They welcomed me as they would a long lost daughter and sister. What a stark contrast to the way my ‘friends’ had treated me only moments ago.
“Hannah, sweetie!” John’s mom exclaimed giving me a hug. “I’m so glad you made it!”
I smiled at her gratefully. She always made me feel welcome.
“Will you be okay in here? I need to go have a word with a few of my guests in there,” John whispered in my ear.
“Yeah go ahead,” I replied with a nod. I knew what he was going to do, but I wasn’t going to try to stop him. He was a determined fellow when someone hurt me.

He returned with a slightly triumphant look on his face. “Mom, a few of the people had to leave, so there won’t be as many to feed.”
I whipped my head around to look at him, “John!”
“Yes?” he grinned.
“What did you do?!” I exclaimed.
“Told them they needed to leave since they weren’t going to be nice to my best friend. Most of them left without protest,” he replied gleefully.
“You are something else,” I chuckled, shaking my head.
“I know,” he stated, grabbing a bag of chips off the counter and inhaling the contents.

*January 26th*
Finally. Today was the day I would fly out to Minneapolis. John and Rachel drove me to the airport at 3pm.
“We’re going to miss you,” Rachel said sadly.
“I’m going to miss you guys too,” I said, tearing up in spite of myself. These two people were literally like my family. They felt like the only friends I had. I was close to Jeff and Will, but not like I was to John and Rachel.
John pulled me into a hug. I could feel his concern and fear for me radiating off of him. He was so worried about my meeting Tay in person without anyone with me.
“It’s going to be fine, buddy. Okay? It is going to be fine,” I assured him.
He laughed ruefully, “You have always been able to read my mind, haven’t you, Han?”
“Yeah,” I laughed. “Love you, kid.”
“Love you too, silly goose,” he said, his forehead creased a bit.
Rachel put her arms around us shouting, “GROUP HUG!”
John rolled his eyes at her. They didn’t really get along well, but they both loved me so they tolerated each other.
“Okay, guys... I have to go now. I’ll call you when I get there!” I said, reluctantly pulling away from them.
“Be safe,” John entreated.
“Have fun,” Rachel winked.
I laughed at their clashing admonishments. “Bye, guys,” I said, giving them both one last hug.
I walked towards my gate, smiling to myself. This was it.


This is basically just a filler! Almost to the Hannah/Taylor meeting! :D

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