More than alike.

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During class we began working on our project, but I kept peeking at Kallen. I couldnt help myself! He just told me he liked me and well, ya'll know I like him too.

But eachtime I'd look, he'd catch my eyes and smile his gorgeous smile at me. Mmmmm, I could just melt in it.

After class, before I could leave Kallen stopped me.

"Colby," He said.

I looked up at him, "Yes?"

"We're having lunch together today." Was all he said.

"We are?" I asked.

I was thrilled, yet...scared. What if someone saw us?

Oh who gives a fuck.

Kallen said he didnt care what people thought, so why should I?

Oh wait.... I dont care!


I smiled, "Ok," I agreed, "See you at lunch."

He winked, "You bet your ass you will."

I blushed, feeling my cheeks heat and I began walking to class with a big smile on my face.

Lunch came quicker than I thought. I saw him as I entered the lunch room, Sitting with his friends. I didnt know what to do. I sure as hell didnt want to walk over to him. But then again, I couldnt just stand here.

I was just about to make my way over to him when I saw him look up and see me. A smile crossed his lips and he then stood up. Well, at least I didnt have to go to him. He came over to me, grabbed  my wrist and began walking towards the parking lot.

Hmmm, this should be intersting.

We got in his car and he began driving to McDonals...again... what a fat ass.(;

He ordered BOTH our meals even though I told him I WASNT hungry, but he wouldnt take no for an answer. Once we got our food, we drove out toward one of the beaches. It was a beautiful hot day so it was a good day to go to the beach.

We sat in the parking lot of the beach and Kallen began shoving his burger in his mouth, it was a bit disturbing, not gonna lie, but it was kinda cute.

"So," Kallen said with a mouth full of food, "Wanna skip the rest of the day?"

I took a bite of my burger, smiled and nodded.

He grinned, revealing the mashed up food in his mouth, "Shweeeet!"

I laughed, and took another bite.

"Well what are we gonna do?" I asked.

He shrugged and looked over at me,"Anything you want."

I smiled. Anything...? Heehee.

Bad Colby! Your a loser, He's Popular! Remember that!

Oh fuck you brain, he said he liked me so...


"Soooooooo colby," Kallen said, looking over at me,"What do you wanna do?"

Kiss, Touch, or Fuck You.

GOD, If only!

I blushed, instantly turning my brain OFF.

"Well, ummmmm" I stuttered, "We could...Ummmm, kiss... I MEAN walk...or..."

And he instantly cut me off my leaning forward, brushing the hair back from my eyes and setting his lips upon mine.

I instantly melted.

Fuck yes.

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