I can live without you...

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Again even through my loud music i heard loud, stupid knocking on the door. God-damnit, why cant he just leave me the fuck alone?!


I think its time I confront him. I walked downstairs and threw open the door. And of course there he stood, in blue jeans and a white tight shirt with messy blonde hair.

"What?" I growled, glaring at him.

"Colby, Im sorry about yesterday." He apologized, looking a bit sad in his eyes.

I stared him down,"Look, all I want is to get this project done and then you dont have to be seen around with the faggot, ok?! Thats all I want! So tommarow, we'll begin but until then, just...leave me alone."

I saw him starring at my arm. Why? Its covered...

I looked down and saw the sleeve had slid up a bit and you could see some of the letters.


His eyes looked up and peirced mine,"What is that?" He asked viciously.

I pulled the sleeve down,"Its nothing." I mumbled.

He stepped toward me and I pushed him back.

"Dont touch me!" I yelled.

 He grabbed my wristes to keep me from shoving him again, and held them at my side. He pressed his body up against mine to keep me from squirming away and he ripped my sleeve up and saw the two words I carved into my arm.


He stared at me with shock blazed in his eyes and I looked down, ashamed.

"Colby..." he whisperd,"Why did you do that?"

I felt anger boil in me and I shoved him away from me and I glared at him.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want to my body and this." I yelled showing him my arm,"Its only the truth."

Forever alone?


"Cobly," He said, stepping towards me.

"Just stay away from me!" I yelled, running into my house and slamming the door shut.

I leaned against the door and began sobbing like a bitch.

I dont need his pity.

He knows nothing about me!


I fell to the ground on my knees and just cried, letting my tears comfort me once again.


Fuck Me.

After awhile I got off the floor and I stormed into the kitchen, grabbed a cup from the cabinet and threw it at the wall. It shattered all over the floor and i grabbed another.

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled and threw it at the wall and watched as it shattered.

I felt just like that cup. Shattered. Broken. Hard to glue back together. I need air now or Im going to break every single cup in this house. Then I'll have to deal with my dad.

And I'd rather not get my face smashed in.

I threw open the door and slammed it shut behind me as I walked out.

I didnt know where I was going to go, but anywhere was fine with me.

I walked and walked until I ended up at the mall.


I entered and made my way to hot topic. At least I could get my mind off things and just browse the clothing.

I saw the girl again. And her face lit up when she saw me. She walked over to me and smiled.

"You came back!" She enthused.

I nodded. And the next thing I knew her lips were smacking on mine.

Oh...Ummmm...Ok then.

Oh what the hell.

I wrapped my arms around her and pressed her up against me.

She moaned into my mouth and her fingers were tangling in my hair.

She pulled away and grabbed my hand.

"Come with me," She whispered alluringly then she began leading me towards the back room.


I shrugged and I followed willingly.

Once in the back room, She locked the door and jumped on me, literally and wrapped her legs around my waist. She was a light little thing so I wrapped my arms around her and her mouth attacked mine. Her tongue slipped in my mouth and our tongues slid together. I layed her on the floor and I was on top. She pulled my shirt off and ran her hands down my chest.

"mmmmm," she breathed,"Your so sexy."

I smirked at her and I began unzipping her jacket. She stared at me with complete and utter desire.

I pulled it off her, along with her shirt. And I stared at the black lace bra that covered her full round, big boobs.

She was sexy. That was for sure.

She leaned up and Kissed me while taking one of my hands and placing it on her boob. I began rubbing it in my hand. She moaned against my mouth again. It did turn me on but I didnt know for sure if i wanted to do this.

Oh well, theres no going back.

Then Kallen came in my mind and I threw him out of my mind and focused on the girl in front of me. But I kept picturing him instead of her, him shirtless, moaning...

Shit, I instantly got hard and well she grabbed me.

I moaned and she began unzipping my pants. I slid them off and took off hers as well. Ha, matching panties, cute.

I kissed down her neck and licked till I hit her bra. I stared up at her and she watched me and I unclipped her bra and threw it off. Her pink nipples hardened and I sucked each giving them both attention, then went back up to her neck and sucked on it and left a mark.

She moaned loudly and she slid my boxers off. She pulled a condom from her jeans pocket and slid it on me. Then I slid her panties off, opened up her legs and plunged myself in her.

And you can guess what happend next.

After awhile, I climaxed and orgasmed, she followed, gripped on my hair and came.

"Oh my god!" She gasped,"That was great!!!"

I smiled at her. My body was slick with sweat and so was hers.

Her cheeks were red and she just layed there, worn out. I layed next to her, my breathing labored. I was tired yet pleased.

That was great...

But a couple times, Kallen slipped into my mind.


After my breathing was back to normal, I got up and dressed into my clothes. She did the same.

I threw away the condom and turned and faced her.

She smiled and kissed me.

"See ya babe." She whispered to me.

I nodded and I walked out.


I cant believe I just did that.

But I gotta say, she was pretty great.

But still, I only got hard cause I thought of Kallen...


Oh well. I saw that it was 5p.m. Shit, I was in there for almost two hours.

I smiled, and I made my way home.

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