Im taking all your memories off the shelf...

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I awoke the next morning and debated weither or not to take a shower...But I had sex yesterday...soooo im going with taking a shower.

I peeled the gauz off my hands and saw that all the cuts had sealed shut and were scabs now. Both my hands were scattered with scabs too.

I took off my clothes and stepped into a nice, steaming hot shower.

God, it felt so nice. I washed my hair n body and stepped out of the shower.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked up to my ihome and played: Every Time You Run by Manafest. This song is fucking amazing.

I dressed into a white tee shirt, A black veil brides hoodie and some black skinnies. I pulled on my socks n shoes and made my way downstairs.

My dad was gone and I made myself some food. I ate, then grabbed my backpack, plugged in my headphones, clicked play on my ipod and walked to school while Of mice and Men screamed in my ears.

Once at school, I went straight to class. I went to my usual seat in the back and just let my music drown out the world around me.

And then Kallen walked in. Hmmm. He walked over to me and sat down.

I took out my headphones and turned off my ipod then shoved it in my hoodie pocket.

I glanced over at him and saw he was watching me.

I pulled my sleeves over my hands and kept my eyes on my desk.

"Colby," Kallen began, "About yesterday-"

I cut him off,"Lets just forget about it, ok?"

He nodded,"Ok." He said, but he didnt look happy about it.

I sat there and waited till the teacher was done talking and finally once she was done talking I was gonna tell Kallen that it was his turn to ask questions but he spoke before I could.

"I know you just want to drop it, but I cant." Kallen poured out.

Oh god.

"Kallen-" I began but he cut me off.

"No Colby, shut up. Im not done yet." Kallen snapped, irritated.

I closed my mouth and kept quiet and let him finish.

"And yes I get that fact that you wanna get the project done, I do too, but I also like hanging out with you, and I dont care what people say, or well...what you say. I think we should hang out more." He got out.

I waited. He didnt say anything else.

"You done...?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Why do you wanna hang out with ME? You have all your friends, Im just...some stupid emo fag." I mumbled, looking down at my desk again.

"Because," He answer, "I like you."

My head snapped up and I looked at him.

He what?!

"You...What?" I asked, stunned.

Maybe I was just imaging what he said.

"You heard me." He said with a smirk.

A smile bit a my lips.

I brushed my hair out of my eyes and Kallen saw my hand.

God fucking damnit. Here we go again.

"Colby-" Kallen began but this time I cut him off.

"I swear I didnt do these!" I yelled out before he could, I dont know...Lecture me?

He stared me down,"Then how'd you get them?"

"I was picking up glass." I answered truthfully, and I stared down at my torn up hands.

"And you couldnt use a broom to do that?"

I shook my head no.

"Why?" He asked, confused.

"Long story." I mumbled.

He grabbed my hand,"You know you can talk to me, right?"

I watched him as he held my hand and ran his fingers over all the cuts.

I nodded,"I know, but it doesnt matter anymore." I said.

He looked at me and I gave him a smile.

He smiled back, and he never let go of my hand.

And I didnt want him too. Not ever.

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