A wet dream come true...

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We drove to a vacant parking lot near the lake where no one ever went anymore. It was beautiful the way the lake glowed...

But not literally.

He turned off the car and looked over at me,"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked sweetly.

I raised a brow,"A walk?"

"Yeah, go find some place quiet and...explore..." He said with a wink.

Explore...Fuck that.

"I have a better idea," I said seductively, getting closer, "why don't we explore eachother."

He let out a muffled moan and pulled me on his lap, attacking his lips to mine.

Oh sweet sugar balls, this felt good.

His hands traveled toward the end of my shirt, pulling it up and off me. I smiled and did the same to him. God, my pants tightened painfully at the sight of his naked torso. He was sculpted like a God. Him with all his abs...mmmmmmm.... I met his lips again and ran my nails down his chest as he gave out a moan.

Sweet Jesues...

His hand grabbed my already hardened friend and began rubbing it. I threw my head back and moan. This feels so fucking good! His lips met my neck and he painfully bit it, but it made the pleasure ten times greater...

What can I say...I like it simi kinky...nothing wrong with that. I gripped his hair as he began to grind himself against me.

Oh God...

"Kallen," I choked out.

He moaned and went harder.

Oh My Fucking God.

I'm gonna exploded!

I met his lips again and lashed his tongue with mine.

God he tastes so good.

He gripped my waist, digging his nails into my hip bones making me moan and the next thing I know...

I exploded and callapse against him. I'm weak I know, but if you felt what I felt you would've exploded in a couple minutes too...

But Motherfucker, that was great. With my breathing labored, I stared at him and smiled. He smiled back and laid his head back, closing his eyes.

"That was amazing." he muttered.

I smiled,"Oh yes," I agreed,"but next time, we should do that without any clothes on..."

If you know what I mean...

His eyes came open and he winked,"I agree."

I kissed him on the lips once more and laid my head against his shoulder.

Damn...I'm gonna lose my Gay Card to him.

Fuck. Yes.

We soon drove back to my Aunt's house cause we had nothing better to do and just went and chilled in my new room...

It was ugly.

The walls were fucking light pink. I'm not That gay. jeesh. And the bed sheets were...orange. This bitch has horrible, horrible taste. There was a dresser and a lamp and that was it. Its agonizing that I even have to look at this room. Makes me want to turn the light off and have it be pitch black...

Doesn't actually sound too bad.

At least I had some of my stuff here but all it was were a bag full of clothes.


Kallen snorted,"Nice room."

I flipped him off and went over and sat on the bed.

At least it was comfortable.

"So now what?" Kallen asked with a seductive gleam in his eyes.

"You go home." I replied.

He pouted,"why?"

"Because I'm very tired and the nice painkillers I had in my system are wearing off."

Which was true, my body was begining to ache...

Fuck you pain.

He rolled his eyes and sat on the bed next to me.

"Can we at least cuddle for a bit before I go?" he asked...no...whine sounds more like it.

But it was absolutely adorable.

I nodded and smiled and I en-tangled my body to his as he laid back, with my head on his chest.

This was so nice. I wish I could've stayed that way forever.

We laid there for I don't know how long then my aunt came in.

"Colby, I'm suppose to give you theses for the pain." She chirped as she handed me two small white pills and a glass of water. I chugged the whole glass and downed the pills. She smiled and walked out.

I looked back at kallen, who was starring at me, and smiled.

I crawled on top of him and pinned his wristes above his head.

I leaned in close and whispered in his ear,"Wanna do something naughty?"

His response was a loud sexy moan and he flipped me over to where he was on top. But he was gentle about it...

It was cute.

I tried to reach up and grab at his shirt but he snatched both my wristes and pinned them down.

He gave me a seductive smile,"Right now babe, I'm gonna be the one in charge. So you, my dear, have to obey."

my dear...?

I met his eyes,"alright, I'll play your little game, but call me dear again and you'll regret it."

He laughed, "Oh I bet I will, You little kinky boy."

"How am I kinky?" I asked.

"You like biting," he mumbled kissing down my neck,"And scratching..."

I closed my eyes and gave out a gasp as I felt his teeth nip my skin.

Oh please do it again!

"Next thing I know you'll be using whips and chains on me."

I opened my eyes and stared at him,"I'm not THAT kinky."


"uh huh..."

"I mean, I'd probably use handcuffs every now and then on you but that's it!"

He laughed,"whatever you say"

And the next thing I knew his lips were on mine and his hand was in my pants grasping me hard.

Oh fucking fuck.

This should be fun...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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