chapter 16:~ shocking

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A/N...............SOOOOOOOO SOOOORRRRRYYYYY!!!! *drops on knees dramatically* i have wifi problems.... :'( please forgive is vewy sowwie...well i'm updating nw so...

This chapter is for MissRazorBlades because she is awesome :) thanks for asking...



Jake stood frozen at the the entrance, his eyes wide.

I could only imagine what was going through his mind.


But after a moment he seemed to have recovered because he moved forward towards the tear-stricken girl.

Distant echoing of running footsteps could be heard in the hallway.

Two kids i've seen in my French class came panting through the doorway.


Said the girl who arrived first in between pants,

"happened in here?"

She gasped as she took in the scene of the red headed girl.

A moment later a boy appeared at her side, his expression was the same as her's.

"Oh my god! What happened to her?" she repeated.

"Go call the principal, ambulance, anybody! Just hurry!"

Jake's beautiful face looked so pained that it almost made me cry.

He felt for her pulse under her jaw and his face relaxed ever so slightly.

He looked up and said,

"She's still alive, just unconscious. She's lost alot of blood though."

I wrote,

WHAT HAPPENED? and pressed it in his free hand.

"She- she looks like she has a broken leg- not sure how- but that's what happened, minus the bruises she got earlier,"

He pointed to the bluish black lump on the side of her forehead,

"and she got a serious blow, don't know with what yet, but it'll all come to light soon enough..."

"This way,"

said the girl who went to get help,


She broke off as she took in the sight for a second time.

Just then Principal Montgomery entered and said,

"You two! What's happened here?"

Jake began relating that the only thing we heard was the girl's desperate scream.

Our eyes followed the red-headed girl as she was being strapped and rolled out of the school into a gurney to go to the ambulance.


A/N..........I know it's short but I promise it gets longer....uhhh that's sounds like Déjà vü... :/ oh well I hope u liked it...

virtual hugs to those who are generous to drop a vote or comment <333333

Remember to...





Twitter: @AshleyAllstarzz

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