Chapter 9

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When I came to, I was laying in a soft bed while there were people talking quietly. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I could tell they were my group by their scents. I felt the bed move and my eyes opened to see Alexander sitting on the edge of my bed as the ringing in my ears stopped.

"We're not leaving her behind, Luke! She's been a member of this group from the very beginning!" Alexander yelled.

"And what will happen if they find not just her here, but everyone else here? Do you think they'll spare everyone just because they want to? They'll kill all of you! It's better to sacrifice one to save the many!" Luke yelled back.

"But, what you're saying is that we need to leave April behind completely defenseless​ against enemy attacks! Besides, what if your puppet masters find out you're searching for the source of your pearls and stop their spell? It would be cut down from thirty-two to eight searching for that source with no clues!" Alexander argued.

"They won't find out if we move quickly! We need to leave April behind, Alexander! She can defend herself!" Luke argued.

"Can you both just shut up about leaving me behind?" I yelled angrily.

Everyone stopped and stared at me in shock and happiness. Luke was staring at me with pure shock as if he hadn't even considered me waking up. Alexander and everyone else were staring at me with happiness. Within seconds I was being enveloped in everyone's hug. Luke didn't bother trying to hug me whatsoever until he caught me glaring at him. Everyone pulled away from the hug the second I coughed. Alexander grabbed my hand and squeezed it while Samantha placed the back of her hand on my forehead.

"She definitely has a fever." Samantha said as the others looked worried around each other.

"It must be from nearly drowning in that frozen over lake." Alexander mumbled as he looked at me worriedly.

"Bleh...too much mushiness going on in here." An unfamiliar voice said as the door creaked open.

A guy with brown hair and hazel eyes stood there. His hair was shaped like Justin Bieber, and I immediately growled before coughing. I could already tell I wouldn't get along with him anytime soon. He walked in with a bowl of soup which Mabel took from him before sitting down on my other side. Mabel sat the bowl on her lap before beginning to feed me spoonful after spoonful only stopping occasionally to let me cough or to snap at Alexander for not listening.

"So, where are we and who the hell is the Justin Bieber wana be?" I asked as I glared at the boy.

"Your people and you are at my parents' house in Miami. Who I am is none of your business and I really don't care whether you live or die." The boy said as he glared back at me.

"Fine, I'll just call you a Justin Bieber wana be." I growled as I glared at the guy.

"You know it's rude to not tell others your name before asking their name, right? Oh wait, you don't. You're just a filthy hybrid monster." The guy snapped at me.

I immediately tried to sit up as my anger boiled in my veins. That kid was a little ignorant brat. His family took us in and cared for us while he wanted to come in here and insult us. I can't stand this kid.

Everyone stared at me in shock as I crawled across the bed, leaped off the bed, and pinned Justin-Bieber-wana-be to the ground. I was struggling not to cough as I glared at the kid before he suddenly had me pinned. My back was slammed against the ground and the kid glared at me with anger that rivaled a Tiger-human's anger. This kid was displaying the same amount of emotions as we did, but yet he was just a human being.

"Timothy, time for you to head off to school!" A woman called out from down the halls.

The kid stood and glared down at me before standing. I glared at him as I began to cough. A flicker of worry crossed his face before the look of pure annoyance crossed his face. He walked out the door as I laid there in a fit of coughing. Everyone stood there worried to come to close to me since I was the first one of our kind to have gotten sick. the scent the boy carried was still close and I could faintly make out him talking to the woman.

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