Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of snoring and lifted my head off my pillow to find a sleeping Alexander beside me. I wouldn't have minded, but somehow, he had snaked an arm around me and had fallen asleep beside me. I slowly turned onto my side to face away from him, but the second I attempted to sit up, his arms pulled me back to him. I felt my cheeks begin to burn as butterflies fluttered slightly in my stomach. It was so awkward laying there waiting for him to wake up.

"April..." He mumbled in his sleep.

I rolled my eyes as I poked his cheek. He groaned and pulled me closer to the point his chest was against my back. I squirmed trying to get free of his sudden hug when all of a sudden, his arms loosened their hold on me. I looked back in bewilderment as he yawned. His green eyes were staring at me with a confused glaze to them before he traced his arms to me, and his eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry, April. I didn't realize I fell asleep beside you." Alexander said hastily as his cheeks became a dark shade of red.

I couldn't help but to chuckle slightly at his sudden embarrassment. It was quite entertaining to watch. I watched as he walked over to the dresser and looked inside it. He turned to look at me as he held up the chess board, obviously wanting to challenge me. I let out a soft chuckle and nodded, eager to beat him at chess.

I stared at the board in utter shock as I realized he had me at check mate. I sighed as I stretched my sore muscles only to wince once the place Kayla had stabbed me throbbed. Alexander immediately climbed behind me and lifted my shirt up in the back enough for him to see my wound. He gently removed the gauze and placed his hand over it. I shuddered at how cold his hand was as he removed his hand from my back. He gently placed my shirt back down and put the gauze into the trash bin beside my bed.

"Your wound has healed for the most part." Alexander said as I looked at him from the side of my left eye.

"Hey, Alexander...why did you follow me after I left the library?" I asked him slowly since I was unsure of how he'd react.

"Well, after I saw how Luke reacted to you, I figured you must be feeling really bad. I came to find you and after you fell asleep, I stayed here until I passed out." Alexander mumbled as he moved back to where he was sitting.

"Why did you stay here though?" I asked as he sighed.

"I stayed here because I felt like you needed someone to be here when you woke up." Alexander said.

We sat there for a short while just looking at the chess game. A knock at the door startled Alexander and I as we realized just how close we were to each other. We were close enough that our breaths tickled each other's faces. Our eyes were flat out locked on one another, and the chess board had somehow fallen to the ground. My cheeks heated up as I stood up and began to pick up the chess pieces and the chess board. Alexander bent down to help me with picking the chess game up, But I shook my head and pointed at the door. He nodded and walked over to it.

I wonder who could be on the other side of the door. I know it can't be Luke since he was terrified of me currently. Jason and Damien probably would stay back and let me be after seeing how Luke reacted to my growl. Austin wouldn't really come here unless he needed something to feed Autumn or Zackery and they lived on their own wing in this mansion of a house.

Alexander pulled the door open to reveal someone I didn't think would come here. His black hair fell slightly into his blue eyes and his black shirt had a blood stain on it as if his wound had reopened. He wore a bracket made of black leather with an obvious glowing pearl attached to it. His blue eyes had no pupils and his scent had disappeared to one of decay and blood.

"Apri-" Luke said as he saw it was Alexander.

Luke stared at Alexander for a second before his eyes slowly found me. I didn't even dare look him in the eye as I put away the chess pieces and board. He then moved closer to Alexander and sniffed him. Alexander stiffened as Luke began to growl which startled me. I couldn't remember the last time he growled at someone who was a Tiger-human.

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