Chapter 8

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A trickle of morning light hit my eyes and I let out a yawn before stretching my back. My claws unsheathed and dug into the wood as I stretched my forelegs. I laid back down as I looked outside to see nothing but sheer white snow. I lifted my head up as I heard a distant noise, almost like someone calling out for someone. I curled up hoping that my fur would blend in with the wood as I kept one eye half open. A shadow passed by the hollow tree entrance followed by a few more before one blocked the entrance. From the outline of the sun around it, it had to be a human being with black hair.

I had no idea whether it was Michael, Mark, Mary, or Alexander. I couldn't risk it, so I stayed as still as possible while I watched the silhouette closely. They backed up and glanced around worriedly before sticking their head in. The scent flowing off of this person reminded me of Luke's new foreign scent that made him not the Luke I knew, but rather the Luke the witches brought back to life just for fun.

"April?" The person called out. "I know you're in there. I can smell you. Make room, I'm coming in."

I stayed quiet as the person climbed in. At this point I realized the person was Luke. The glowing pearl on his wrist was a dead giveaway as he placed his hand on my furry shoulder. I could feel him tense up a bit as if he was in shock before he sighed, obviously realizing something.

"You got lost in the blizzard and couldn't find your way back, didn't you?" Luke asked in a hushed whisper.

I didn't respond and he apparently decided my silence was a yes.

"You changed into your tiger form to keep warm and ended up finding here, right?" Luke asked.

I again stayed silent as he again decided my silence was a yes.

"It's a good hiding spot, but you're halfway away from the house. When you think it's safe, get out of here and make a run for the house. Tell everyone to pack up and leave. The vampires are not too far behind the witches, and they'll see your tracks and immediately follow them back to the house. It's not safe there anymore." Luke whispered before he found my ears and patted my head.

I let out a small whine that was half way between a growl and a whimper. He chuckled softly as he placed his forehead on mine and patted my head, right between my ears.

"Don't worry, I'll find you again." Luke whispered before he let go of me.

He crawled back out of the hollow tree and began talking to someone. I braced to streak out and attack, but the remaining people and Luke walked off, giving me the room to take off once I thought it was clear. I sat there and waited, my ears perked to catch even the faintest of sounds. When I couldn't hear anything, I poked my head out. I couldn't see anyone and I could only smell the faint scent of Luke. I glanced side to side before backing up into the hollow tree. I crouched down as the muscles in my legs stiffened. I streaked out of the tree and landed a few feet away from the entrance before running as fast as my paws could carry me.

As soon as I got to the house, I roared as I paced around the front entrance. I glanced behind me at my paw steps and let out a soft growl as the thought of the vampires being right on my tail sparked the realization that we had to leave now. I ran around to the sliding doors and the kitchen windows. I roared before trying to leap up enough to see inside. As I leaped up, the smell of bacon hit my nose. Someone either is making bacon or someone left bacon out. I ran over to the sliding doors and roared as I paced around in front of them. Where were they? As if to answer my question, Alexander appeared in front of me with a plate of bacon and chocolate pancakes. He opened the door with a startled and shocked look. I quickly transformed into my human form and grabbed the plate from him. I scarfed down the chocolate pancakes and bacon quickly before rushing towards the main room.

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