Chapter 2

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"April? Are you okay? You've been staring out that window for hours." Damien said as he crouched down beside me.

The others had arrived a few hours ago and had immediately gone to asleep. Damien had stayed up with me, but I knew he needed to sleep. He was driving tomorrow, so he needed to sleep.

"Damien, you should get some rest." I mumbled.

"I'm not tired. Besides, you need to rest." Damien said with a small smile.

"I can sleep in the car, you need to sleep now though." I grumbled as I bit back a snarl.

"April, I'll be well rested when we need to leave." Damien grumbled.

"No. Go sleep now." I snapped as I stood up sharply.

I winced from the pain and watched as shock and alarm spread across Damien's face. He went to offer me a hand, but I bared my teeth at him before he could help me. He backed off with a shocked look across his face as I limped towards the door. I knew my legs were close to giving out, but I didn't care. I wanted to speak with Luke again. I needed to explain everything, and I needed to figure out what my feelings towards him were.

"April, whe-" Damien tried to ask as I slammed the door in his face.

I wasn't going to just stay there and hear them babble on and on about how dangerous it was for me to be out and about in my current condition. I knew full well just how badly damaged my body was and I knew I would heal faster than Austin estimated. I did have R2A in my body which the others wouldn't be able to comprehend the abilities it brings along. I wasn't even able to tell what abilities the R2A brought along except a change in blood color and eye color.

As soon as I walked out of the motel, I went to the alleyway Luke had appeared from and limped in. The alley was dark and I gained this sense that I was being watched. Something in me wanted to turn and run, but I wanted to find Luke. I couldn't let Kaitlin, Becky, and Jane use all of them to kill my new group members and me. Mabel had been torn up since the incident and seemed to be keeping close to Alexander.

"Luke?" I called out cautiously.

"April? Why did you come out of the motel?" Luke's disoriented voice asked.

"I needed fresh air." I lied as I winced in pain.

"Your injured, April. You shouldn't be up and moving about." Luke said as I felt my legs begin to shake.

"I-I can handle being up and moving around." I grumbled as I leaned against the wall of the motel.

"No, you can't, April. You never had been hurt this badly and you're lucky that the yellow substance is running through your body, or you would have died." Luke said as my eyes widened and then narrowed.

"I would not have died! I don't care if the R2A is running through my system and I'm severely injured! I can walk about perfectly fine!" I shouted at him.

"Then prove it!" He snapped as he took ten steps back. "Walk to me without limping or leaning against anything and I'll believe you."

"Fine, I will!" I snapped.

I took a deep breath as I glared at his glowing blue eyes. I could walk perfectly fine without leaning and limping. I took a step towards him and the second my foot lifted off the ground, I fell forward. A gasp escaped my lips as I landed in Luke's arms yet again. His scent was there along with the scent of blood.

"Are you okay, April?" Luke asked as he held me up.

"Y-Yeah." I mumbled as I clung to his forearm.

I was half afraid this was all a dream and I'd wake up in the morning to find myself perfectly well. I didn't want this to be another dream where when I wake, I'm reminded constantly that I killed Luke. I felt tears sliding down my cheeks as I began to shiver. It was cold out, but I would disregard it if I could.

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