Chapter 4

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I woke up in a room that smelled strongly of Luke, but I was laying in a bed and I could feel bandages covering my right forearm. I tried to sit up, but when I did, an arm pulled me back down. I looked to my left and saw Luke sleeping there. I poked his cheek until he woke up and sighed.

"Morning." He yawned as he let go of me and sat up.

"How did we get here? Where are the others?" I asked as he got out of bed and put on a black shirt.

"We walked to here and everyone is in their own rooms." Luke said as he sat down at the foot of the bed.

"Oh. Why am I in here then if there's rooms for everyone?" I asked.

Luke sat there staring down at his hands for a while. It was as if he was lost in deep thought or was just trying to figure out how to say what he wanted to say. I sat there waiting for almost ten minutes when he finally sighed and broke the silence.

"The few memories I have from before I died were that we used to share a bedroom. Everything after Alex got taken away is a complete haze. I don't even remember dying at all and it scares me to know such a large quantity of my life after Alex was taken, even if it was only a small amount of time, was completely wiped from my mind." Luke mumbled as he looked at me.

"Luke, you don't want to know how you died. It was so horrible, and I can't stand the memory of it. Maybe your mind is blocking it from you for a reason?" I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Why would my mind block such a crucial point in my life?" Luke asked.

"Maybe to not hate the person who killed you. You never hated anyone in your life and maybe the person you killed you feels absolutely guilty about it." I mumbled as I stood up and headed for the door.

"April..." Luke spoke.

"Yes, Luke?" I asked.

"Who killed me?" He asked.

I froze on the spot, and I could feel the hair on my neck stand on edge. I couldn't explain to him I killed him without explaining why and how I killed him. If I did that, he'd just feel guilty for trying to kill me and feel rage towards me for letting Arthur, Logan, Alex, and James die. Although, if I didn't tell him now, then he'd find out and would feel absolutely betrayed, especially if I tried to say I didn't know when in reality I did know who killed him.

"Luke...I-If I told you who, can you promise me you will sit here and listen to how and why it happened the way it did?" I asked as I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Why are you about to cry? It's not like you could have killed me. You would never hurt any of us." Luke said as he stood and walked towards me.

"Stop. Just stay there please." I shouted with my hand out.

"Why, April?" Luke asked as he reached for my hand.

"Do you promise?" I asked.

"Promise to stay here and listen to why and how it happened to me? Yeah." Luke said looking confused as to why I wouldn't let him come any closer to me.

"I-I think I should start from the last thing you remember..." I mumbled.

I stood there explaining what happened from what I remembered. I watched as his face twisted from shocked to wary and back again. I explained that I had been forced to kill Zack and even if I didn't, he would have killed me, or the vampires would have killed both of us. When I finished with my battle with Zack, I went quiet. I really didn't want to tell him I had killed him and that it was my doing that caused everyone in our original group to die.

"April, what happened next?" He asked with a worried look.

He looked like he didn't recognize me anymore and it stung. I have always been the same person, but I was thrown through the grinder of pain and misery so many times that I couldn't help remembering the past me as a much younger and less harmful creature. He placed his hand on my shoulder as if he was worried about me as I continued on.

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