Chapter 3

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"April, can you please answer me?" Alexander asked as he looked at me.

He had long since dropped his arm away from me due to the shock and confusion of finding out I had gone to see Luke last night and I was trying to see him again. Luke stood there looking between Alexander and I with a look of confused interest. I was sitting in the snow and looking between them. I had no words to say. How was I going to tell Alexander that I had killed my boyfriend who used to be Luke? How was I to even voice killing Luke while he stood there? It was absolutely impossible to tell either of them.

"April, tell me now." Alexander said looking at me with a glint of anger in his eyes.

Almost immediately Luke was in front of me, trying to protect me from Alexander who was glaring at him. I could feel how thick the tension was that I stood up. I limped between them only for Luke to try to shove me away. My eyes narrowed and I shoved my way between them. Alexander and Luke stared at me in shock.

"Can you both stop being so asinine! Look, I'm sorry I snuck out, but I can't tell you why yet! Luke, why did you come here?" I asked as I looked between the two boys.

"I don't know. I felt like coming here for some reason." Luke said as his old scent returned for a second before fluttering back to the scent he has now.

"April, it's obvious you care about him, but didn't you smell that? It's obvious that he's still under their control. We can't let him tell them where we are. If he does, we'd have to abandon the car and make a hasty run for the hills while you are still recovering from his kind's attack on you." Alexander said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"April, he's trying to tear you from me. Don't listen to him. He's just jealous that you care so much about me and not him!" Luke said his voice disoriented.

"Both of you! Knock it off...If either of you know me, you'd know I hate choosing sides and unfortunately you both are forcing me to. Luke, I can't take your side because you could very well be under the witches' spel-" I was saying.

"Ha! She cares for me and not you!" Alexander shouted victoriously as he slung his arm over my shoulders.

I gritted my teeth and glared up at him as he dropped his arm and looked down at his feet. Luke was glaring daggers into him, or so it seemed since Luke didn't have pupils anymore. I backed up a bit from them as I sighed prepared to continue to speak.

"Alexander, I can't side with you either. You're too involved in your ego to see how your words and actions affect others. You assume I care so much about you that I'd go and be your girlfriend, but truth is, I care about you as a FRIEND. Nothing more and nothing less. Luke and I have history which is why I can't help going about meeting him even if he's on the enemy's side. So, put your ego and pride away and see how you affect others before admiring the ego and pride you have." I said before turning around and limping back to the room. "I've had enough of both of you to last me an eon. I'm going back to the room and I'm going to spend time with Robert and Samantha. Both of you are to get that car to a repair shop pronto."

"Uh...what just... happened?" Alexander asked.

"I have no idea. She definitely is more of a leader than what I remember." Luke replied.

I opened the room door and closed it only for Samantha and Robert to race over to me and envelop me in a hug. I hugged back but winced slightly. I needed to redress my bandages. I limped towards the bathroom and searched for the bandages. When I found them, I placed them on the bathroom counter before closing the doors and locking them. There was one that lead to the main room and one that lead to the bedroom. I didn't want anyone walking in on me redressing all of my wounds.

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