a ! quick ! question !

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hello !

i was just wondering like because i just love this lil haywire (and confidential/transcendent) universe i've created and all the characters and relationships, what if i created a one shot book for little bits and bobs in haywire that i'd maybe like to write.

this is just basically me wanting to write about horc. and i thought i'd quite like to write hugo coming out to ron and hermione and then telling ron about his crush on lorcan before they started dating and him blushing and getting all like "yeah dad i really like him" and ron just teasing the fuck out of him but also being a really proud dad because his son is just so amazing.

but it could also include other things like when there was the drive in movie and having a little one shot about that and how al and scorp saw louis and lys before they came out as a couple, or even when hugo and lorcan went to the register office thing and there was the homophobic woman, i could write about that.

but also idk if anyone would want to read that, so please let me know what you think!

i love you all so much and you're all amazing
thank you

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