// thirty eight //

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"jamie..." teddy trailed breathlessly.

"i know, teddy, i know." jamie smiled,
feeling the happiest he had done in a long time.

// 5 hours earlier //

"lorc, don't go up there, it's dangerous!" hugo shouted, stumbling through their living room, interrupting jamie's daydreaming about- well you can work out who it was about really.

"no, al needs a good pic, so i will get him a good pic." lorcan reasoned with his boyfriend, currently climbing out the double doors while hugo had a death grip around his ankle.

"fuck off, hugo."

hugo scoffed, "bite me."

"maybe later, if you're lucky." lorcan dismissed and for once jamie was thankful his and teddy's room was on a different floor to everyone else's. the only real downside was that they shared a bed. it didn't seem like a downside at first (jamie was more than happy to share), but then after waking up this saturday morning rather close to teddy with a rather, ahem, awkward problem, it soon became difficult. he was just thankful they only two nights left as they were leaving monday morning.

lorcan eventually shook hugo off of his ankle and placed one foot on the edge on the balcony railing before a shril scream came from hugo.

"lorcan! what if you fall? al isn't worth you dying. noah fence, al."

"none taken." al laughed, still leaning against the wall, next to the couple. lorcan's stature moved closer to the ledge before hugo grabbed onto him again, his grip tighter than ever.

"but i can't live without you," he whined, "you can't die on me-"

"what if," teddy started, interrupting hugo, and by doing so, altering the room to his presence, and more importantly jamie. he looked straight at him, causing jamie to break out into a huge smile.

even though jamie was amused by their bickering, he was still thankful for teddy making it stop (this almost made him start debating how old he actually was). "you hold onto his feet or legs when he actually gets up. so if he ever does fall, which is unlikely, you will be holding onto him so he doesn't plummet to his death."

lorcan rolled his eyes and hugo looked toward him with a grin on his face.

"fine." lorcan groaned and slowly stepped up while hugo was hugging his legs.

the pair of them were made for each other, as were al and scorpius, jamie thought. in his very honest (and albeit a rather biased) opinion, he came to be conclusion that scorpius was an arsehole who didn't know god blessed him when he left him be friends with al. an absolute arsehole. he actually started dating his best friend's cousin and didn't even tell him and al had to find out by a (not-so) happy accident. who even does that, it's just not okay and for rose to actually be the one to date him makes the whole affair millions of times worse than jamie could ever imagine. talk about betrayal to the highest degree, and-

"hey jamie." teddy called him over, disrupting the rant in his mind. if teddy hadn't done so, jamie probably could've gone on for ages. but now he has to confront his own relationship (or lack thereof) issues. meaning: he's totally in love with teddy but he's terrified that teddy only sees him as a friend. and there's always the fear that all their flirting is a joke to him. the thing is, he really wants teddy to feel the same, but he won't even find out if he doesn't admit his own feelings toward teddy. and then there's the added fear of rejection on top of all the other fears.

hesitantly, he got up from laying on the sofa and walked toward teddy. "what is it?"

"well, how would you feel if we went down to the pier and had a meal out?" teddy whispered to him and jamie had to control himself not to lose his shit when teddy was standing that close to him.

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